30: Please Explain Everything To Me!

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Why does everything hurt so much?

I can't see.

Did I go blind for being on my phone too much?

And what's that sound?

That constant ringing...

Don't tell me I have tinnitus for listening to my music too loud!


I can't move my arms, there's something binding them down.


I can't move my legs, there's something binding them down too.


No, I'm not blind.

I just can't open my eyes.

Why can't I open my eyes?


A blindfold?

Why does it hurt to breathe?

I want to cry.

I'm in so much pain.


What's with the sudden rain?

Am I in a shower?



It's too windy for me to be indoors.

And it's too cold, it must be nighttime.



It smells like gasoline.

Did someone pour gasoline on me?


"I'm so sorry!"

(F/n) is crying and apologizing.

Don't cry, (F/n).

You know I hate it when you cry.




Is he pouring gasoline on me?

"(Y/n)! I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry!"

No, he's too far away.

But why does he sound so far away?

And why is he apologizing?

"(Y/n)! Please! I am begging you! Wake up!"

Wake up?

Am I dreaming?

I have to be.

I was just on my way back home from the study date.

There's no way that I-

"Shut the fuck up!"

There's someone else.

A man.

Well, whoever it is, he is way too close to my ear.

He sounds like a fucking douche bag.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now