74: You Finally Get Some Coochie

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"Ew, did you say Giyuu?" Sekido's tiny voice came from your box.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" You smack your hand against your forehead, "Do I call you Tomioka, or Giyuu?"

"It doesn't matter to me," Giyuu says.

"Well, if it doesn't matter, then I must come up with a nickname for you!" You tease as you robotically walk over to the Water Pillar.

Giyuu furrows his eyebrows together, "Must you? If you can't remember my name, then I'll just tell you when you forget."

"What? No, I-"

"-You don't have to make up a name. In fact, Giyuu might be easier for you to remember."

"Wait, I just meant-"

"-If you have problems remembering, then I'll just remind you. A nickname isn't necessary."

"HOLY FUCK, DUDE! CHILL!" You laugh in disbelief while rubbing your face in your hands.

At first, you thought Shinobu was being mean when she said no one liked Giyuu, but you were beginning to understand now.

Sekido heard the entire conversation and died of secondhand embarrassment.

He searched through your backpack that was with him inside the box. He takes your phone and earphones out and listens to some music as you suffer alone.

"I was just joking, Giyuu," You move your hands to adjust at Sanemi's haori, "Let's get going, yeah?"

Giyuu eyes you for a second.



You sweat nervously from under his stare.



"Isn't that Shinazugawa's haori?" Giyuu points at you, more specifically the haori.

"Uh, yeah. He-I-I asked if I could borrow it since my uniform looks like this," You rub your temple, "Stupid Maeda guy ruined it and I don't have my haori anymore."

Giyuu hums quietly before turning around and walking, "Let's go."

"Yes sir!" You hurry up to walk by Giyuu's side.


"(L/n)," Giyuu starts after 10 minutes of awkward silence, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Ah! You just did!" You grin.



"Can I ask you a question?" Giyuu repeats.

Uh, okay. Let's try this again.

You smirk smugly: "I don't know, can you?"

"...can I?"

"Yeah, whatever," You nod in defeat.

Giyuu looks at you for a second, "Why did you disobey orders given by Shinazugawa, who is of higher rank, when your life was in danger on the night of your kidnapping?"

"Well, Akaza was going to kill him if I didn't intervene," You answer as if it was obvious, "Sanemi knew the risks of fighting an Upper Moon, but prioritized my life instead."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now