127: Reverence

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Nao was kind enough to walk with you back to the Sword-smith Village. Well, it's not as if you remember where it was, so you kind of needed him to show you.

Unexpectedly, you two have been walking almost all day. You took occasional breaks to eat and rest up, but nothing longer than 30 minutes to an hour.

"Damn," You mutter under your breath, feeling exhausted from walking all day, "It's night already."

"I live pretty far," Nao says, his hands clasped behind his head, "Sorry, perhaps I should have taken you to my home that was closer."

You do a double take and stare at Nao with wide eyes, "Y-You have more than one house??"



"I am rich."

You sigh, "It must be niiice. I'm tryna get like you, ma boy."

The brunette shakes his head, "Life would not be nearly as enjoyable if there were no commoners to laugh at. Thank you for that."

You snort and slightly nudge his side, "Fucker."

"So…" Nao's tone becomes more serious, "Have… you decided?"

"Decided what?"

"If you will retire from the Corps."


"Uh… I'm… I'm still thinking about it." You say honestly, "I'm leaning heavily towards going home, but… I feel guilty when I think about the friends I'd be leaving behind."

"You are the most important existence in your life, (Y/n). No one else." Nao hums softly, "And… if you would like… I would not mind if you would stay with me. If… if you decide to retire, I mean."

Ah, to live with a hot rich man. That's literally been your dream since you were like… 8 years old.

You laugh quietly, "You're so sweet, Nao. Why can't you be like this all the time?"

"Because fuck that."

You snort, slapping a hand over your mouth when you do.

"I mean it, (Y/n)." Nao rolls his eyes with a smile, "You're… a mediocre friend."



You point to a tree with funky bark design. You recognize it from a few days ago when you left with Nao for the last mission. You called it the vagina tree because that's what the bark resembled.

"Hey," You stopped in your tracks, "We're here."


Nao moves behind you and directs your body so you are facing directly Northward.

"Keep going exactly this way for 30 minutes," The brown eyed male instructs, "You will reach the village in no time if you just keep North."

"Thank you so much, Nao," You grin, turning around to face him, "Stay safe on your way back, alright?"

"Are you sure you do not want me to accompany you all the way to the village?" He asks, "It would be no bother to me."

You shake your head, "No, it's fine. You said you had a place close by, so you should enjoy your time there. And… I don't think you'll enjoy hanging out with my friends, anyway."

"That is true." Nao says with a thoughtful expression, "I can barely tolerate you as it is."

"So charming."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now