92: Things We Can Have But Can't Keep

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You drop the nichirin blade to the ground and shuck off your backpack then kneel down next to Gerik. You look over your shoulder just in time to see the last piece of the demon completely turning to dust.

"I'm going to need you to talk to me as much as you can," You try to keep your voice calm and steady, "Don't stop talking. It let's me know you're alive, okay?"

Gerik starts to mumble out what you recognized as a prayer.

You were just supposed to be walking to the village. You were going to meet Miku. But just in case, before you left, you packed up medical supplies in your backpack, and you took your Android and left your iPhone with Sekido.

You were wearing your basic blue uniform (the sleeveless shirt and skirt), your socks, your sandals, you tied your hair half up with your hairpin, and you had Akaza's weird, pink cardigan on as well.

You were just supposed to walk with Gerik back to the village to meet Miku. The path you were taking was the safest, through a covered path of Wisteria trees.

But Gerik insisted on taking a shortcut to the village through the forest, out of the bounds of the Wisteria trees. Despite your constant refusal, you had to follow him when he took a new path.

And of course, whenever you had something great, the Universe had to take something in retribution.

You and Gerik were ambushed. The demon had appeared in the forest and lunged for you. You think it was some pathetic attempt of an assassination by Muzan.

Gerik got his arm consumed by the demon when he pushed you away. You managed to cut off the demon's head. It wasn't a powerful demon at all, maybe recently turned.

But the demon got to Gerik, and it almost completely bit off Gerik's arm by the elbow. You were quick to his aid, leaving the pathetic demon to rot in hell.

You dragged Gerik to a tree that conveniently had a moon spotlight, a little bit away from the disappearing demon.

And now you are back to the present.

"Are you injured anywhere else?" You take out a big bottle of water.





"-No." Gerik heaves, "I just... just my arm..."

"O-Okay." You open your backpack and pull out a big bottle of coconut water.

"I feel nauseous, (Y/n)..."

"I-O-Okay... just..."

With shaky hands, you pulled off Gerik's clown mask so he could breathe easier. You saw blood dribble out from the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked hazy and lost. Your heartbeat was racing in your chest in fear.

You furrow your eyebrows together and pull out a large plastic box and open it to be met with different types of tools.

"(Y/n)... I feel dizzy."

You shut your eyes and count to ten.

"Flex the fingers on your left hand please."

Gerik weakly nods his head, "I-I feel... really dizzy..."

You feel light headed.

Holy fuck.

There's so much...

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