117: Bouquet Of Red Anemones

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A/N: Hahaha Angry Sekido go brrrbbrbrr


Agreeing to go on this mission was a fucking mistake.

"(Y/n), we don't have time for this!" Sanemi puts a scalpel in your hands, "Man the fuck up and help him!"

"No! No! No! I ca-I can't!!" You cry pathetically; Sanemi's hand was the only thing keeping your hold around the medical instrument, "I-I can't! I-I'm sc-sca-scared!!!"

"Takati is going to die if you do nothing!" Sanemi stresses, "Do you want that-"

"-Leave her the fuck alone, Shinazugawa!!" Sekido snaps, continuing chest compressions on Inosuke, "Your constant bitching is not fucking helping!"

With your free (and shaky) hand, you reach forward towards Hariko's neck. You press your fingers against the side in search for a pulse.

How did it end up like this?

You had a joint mission with Inosuke and Hariko. [Remember Hariko? The Demon Slayer you met on your mission with Iguro?]

The demon- you don't even remember how the demon fucking looks like- was after you, sent by Muzan. No surprise there. Unfortunately for you all, the demon was really strong.

Why did it seem like everywhere you went, death followed?

Hariko has internal bleeding from the chest, that much you're sure. His chest was completely bruised, and the blood was pooling from inside.

If you don't start treating him now, he'll be dead in a matter of minutes.

But you're too scared to cut into him.

And Inosuke.

You're not sure what happened; you were too focused on Hariko, you didn't notice that he's suddenly got quiet. Sekido was the one who noticed him, and you're kicking yourself mentally for it.

Maybe if you noticed sooner, Sekido wouldn't be desperately trying to resuscitate him right now.

It's thanks to Sanemi that the demon is dead.

"Well, she has to do something! She's the only one who can help!!" Sanemi replies to Sekido.

You shake your head in denial, "I can't! I can't! I can't do it!"

"Why not?! What are you so afraid of that you can't even help him??" Sanemi presses, "Why can't you just do your fucking job and help him?!"

"Because I'm what's wrong! And there's nothing I can do about it!" You sob, dropping the scalpel to the ground, "If I'm not hurting myself, I'm hurting and killing everyone around me! And there's nothing I can do to stop it!"

You're the reason why Akira died.

You're the reason why Gerik died.

You're the reason why Aimi died.

You're the reason why Akaza died.

You're the reason why your mother died.

You've carried all these deaths with you; now, you're going to be the reason why Hakiro and possibly Inosuke will die.

And you don't think you'll be able to handle it.

"(Y/n)," Sanemi calls out to you, "I know you're afraid, and being brave is not easy. But you need to be brave a few more times, okay? Takati needs you; Hashibira needs you."

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