66: You Should Become A Demon!

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Kokushibou was standing not too far from you, his six eyes looking through yours.

He... was freaky looking.

"Uh," You blink up at him, unconsciously scooting closer to Akaza, "I'm sorry-I don't-Which pair of eyes do I look at when we talk?"


"I'm just trying to be respectful."

"Stop it," Akaza sighs.

"(L/n), do you have... premonitions... or is it... clairvoyance?" Kokushibou asks.

Why... does he... pause... so much?

"Uh... I wouldn't call it clairvoyance, nor premonitions. Since, I don't get sudden visions, I've seen it all already," You explain, "But it's more complicated than that.

Akaza raises an eyebrow. This is the first time he's heard you explain it.

"You've seen the future already?" Gyutarou asks, "What did you see, man?"

"Wh-I'm not going to tell you! I'm a fucking Demon Slayer!" You frown, "That's like the drug cartel telling the police where they manufacture their supplies!"

"Um, I guess..." Gyokko thinks you're fucking odd.

"Look, I don't get new premonitions or visions or whatever. Everything I know might as well be useless since everything is different now," You admit, "My visions never included me in them. I know other people's pasts and futures, but not my own. But now everyone's future is uncertain because I exist."

The Upper Moons (and the biwa demon who decided to stay) collectively understood why Muzan didn't show. It would be useless to know the demon's past, and now that your visions of the future are useless, there was no need to see you.

"Can you... prove yourself... to be... clairvoyant?" Kokushibou asks.

"Um, yeah. I can."




"Well, you asked if I can prove it, not to actually prove it-"

The pink haired demon light nudges your arm.

"-Right, so Douma," You got the message, "You are a cultist, the leader as a matter of fact. The fucking Paradise Cult or whatever."

They all look at Douma for confirmation.

"I wouldn't call it a cult-"

"-It's definitely a cult," Daki nods.

"And Koku... shibou...?" You trail off, "Sorry, I don't know if I pronounced that right. You can use a Breathing Technique, Moon Breathing. You became a demon because you had the demon mark, but it was said that those who received the mark, don't live past the age 25. So you-"

"-Woah! You know our pasts way back when we were human, too?" Douma asks with wide eyes.

They all look at you for answers.

"Yeah. For most of you anyway. Your time as humans were-"

"-That past doesn't matter." Kokushibou speaks coldly without pauses, "The question is why should we keep you alive if you serve no use to us?"

Akaza tenses up as everyone looked at you.

"Honestly, I have zero redeeming qualities. I don't belong here, I never have, and I never will. But you know, you don't have to kill me, you could just let me go back home," You reason with the murderers, "Saves us a lot of time and effort. But then again, I'm probably in a lot of trouble for assaulting a police officer. Actually, you know what? You don't have to let me live."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now