84: Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation Purple

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A/n: Take this meme I made, it'll make sense when you read the end of the chapter


"I cannot believe you absolutely murdered Rengoku's dad when I wasn't here," Zenitsu shakes his head, reciting what you would say, "S-M-H, we hate to see it."

Lucky blonde boy had just returned from his mission! You said your hello's before passing out again.

"WHA-I-NO-H-HE ATTACKED ME FIRST!" Tanjiro wails, comical tears streaming down his face.

"I'm very sorry about that, I really don't understand where that outburst came from," Senjuro frowns as he cleans a new cut on Tanjiro's left cheek, "He's gone to buy some alcohol, so hopefully when he comes back he'll be calmed."

"Whatdya do to piss him off, anyway?" Inosuke yawns, tired from staying up late last night.

"I-nothing! I was going to get something to drink and he suddenly started to yell at me! He kept saying I was better than everyone else because I was the Breath of the Sun user. That he knew my earrings cause it was written...?" Tanjiro shook his head, "I have no idea. He probably meant Dance of the Fire God. He said that it was the original breath, and all other breaths are derived from it."

"You mentioned Dance of the Fire God before on the train," Kyojuro says, "We never did look for those notes. My father often looked at them, but I never read them. We should go look for them now."


"(Y/n)," Sekido knocks lightly against the door frame, "I got some news for you."

The demon was wearing the dark blue demon slayer uniform that was fitted for him. There wasn't any sunlight in the hallway, so he was free from his cloak the butterfly girls made for him.

Sekido hears an annoyed groan from the other side. He hears some shuffling before you open the door.

"What?" You whine, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"Shinjiro finally confronted Tanjiro about the earrings," Sekido puts his hands on his hips, "The plot is finally getting back on track."

You nod, "That's... good."





You fell back asleep leaning against the door frame.


"-Yeah!" You roughly ruffle your messy hair, "I'm-I'm up!"

Sekido rolls his eyes, "Uzui replied to your love letter, by the way."

"Oh, already?" You lean your head against the door frame again, "What'd he say?"

"He wants the party tomorrow night at Shinazugawa's Estate," Sekido nods, "He's inviting all the Pillars, you, me, Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya, the Butterfly girls, and even Gerik, your sword-smith."

Holy crap!

"Poor 'Nemi..." You hum, "I really hope he won't try to fight Genya. And I hope no one will give Uzui shit for inviting Giyuu."

"Yeah-yeah-yeah. Let's hope they all behave. You need to get dressed, then. You gotta go buy shit with other people's money to prepare food." Sekido pats your head softly.

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