32: Maybe Kyojuro Was The REAL Simp All Along

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A/N: Hey y'all! From this chapter on, the fan-fiction will be following the manga! That obviously means spoilers! Though, I'm sure you know this, I'm still going to put this warning up! So after this, there will be no more spoiler warnings!

Not that I didn't suck already, but the fight scenes are going to be even more shittier since it's hard to know what the fuck is going on in the manga with all the visual flair.

Since the anime translations are different from the original dialogue in the manga, I will change a few phrases so I stay consistent! For example: Thunder Breathing, Stone Breathing, First Form, etc, etc.


I wrote this before I saw the animated movie, so there's going to be obvious differences! Not only that, I didn't know they immediately fell asleep after their tickets were punched, so I'm sorry about that inaccuracy!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the chapter!



Oh, Kyojuro. You're a national treasure.


You're a little too loud, though.


No. You know what? Enjoy your meal, King!


Tanjiro glances at you and Zenitsu before you three make your way over to the Flame Pillar.


As you three get closer, you can see him really enjoying that sweet potato!


"That guy's the Flame Pillar?" Zenitsu whispers.

You nod as Tanjiro gives a verbal yes.


"Isn't he just a glutton?"

Tanjiro nods, "Yup."


You smack Tanjiro and Zenitsu on the back of their heads: "Don't be rude."

"Sorry." They say simultaneously.

Tanjiro walks around the seat: "Uhh... excuse me..."


"Re... Rengoku..."

Kyojuro turns to look at Tanjiro: "UMAI!"

"Ah. I... understand very well already." Tanjiro says nervously.

You snort at Kyojuro's passionate personality. You walk over next to Tanjiro and put your backpack on the empty seat. Then you remove your Kama from behind your back and hid it under the seat.

Uhhh, do you call him Kyojuro or Rengoku? He didn't seem to mind it last time, but you don't want to accidentally cross any boundaries.

"Kyojuro! Hello!" You grin.

"UM-" He chokes in his food once he sees you.


"WAHH!" Zenitsu pulls at his hair.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now