111: Death And All His Friends

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So I was informed that I'd need to add a warning here because:



Viewer discretion Is Advised!


You always had the belief that nothing ever happens on a Tuesday. It was your day to just relax and take some time to yourself.

So imagine your fucking disappointment when your Tuesday begins with multiple murders.


But not surprised.

You were sitting on a small stool that was next to a small medical station. It was set up thanks to the Kakushi who arrived at the scene. They were treating the injured, coming to you to occasionally change your bandages.

You watch Giyuu explain all that happened to a few police officers (they were a few feet away from you) with a neutral expression, rubbing your neck with a damp rag to get rid of dried blood that wasn't even yours.

After you and Giyuu killed the demon, him and another instructed everyone to leave the building. They also went to every corner of the mall to escort them out.

Not including Giyuu and yourself, there were a total of 6 deaths, 4 critically injured, and 11 with minor injuries.

Giyuu was lucky enough to only get shot once, but you?

You widen your eyes and dive to your left, tackling the middle aged man to protect him.


You cry in pain when a bullet rips through your left calf. Though you know it was through and through because then man yelps in pain when it hits him after.

You squeeze your eyes shut to get rid of your tears, breathing heavily as you force yourself to stand up.


You yelp and fall to the side, high pitched cries leave you when the bullet pierces through your left bicep and hits the wooden tiles under you.

You're practically hyperventilating when Giyuu manages to draw the attention of the demon and away from you.

Your leg and arm is trembling uncontrollably and it burns like a motherfucker.


You look down and look at your bandaged calf as a Kakushi changes the bandages on your left bicep once again.

Both shots were through and through, and it surprisingly didn't tear through anything vital, so you just have to be careful. But there shouldn't be any lasting effects.


For some reason, your ankle is throbbing like crazy. You even had to remove the wrapping from your ankle since it got soaked in blood. And your shoulder/collarbone burns too.

"Then what about her?!" A male police officer looks at you and points accusingly with a suspicious look, "She is soaked in blood!!"

It was true.

You had just finished cleaning your neck, and now you were using the damp rag to clean the blood off your left arm next when the kakushi leaves you alone.

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