77: Sana Sana Colita De Rana

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A/N: Here is the demön in this chapter! He is my sleep paralysis demon and now you all know him. His name is Kevin and he likes Pineapple on Pizza so you know he's a demon.




You get push back into the wall harshly, also breaking the impact for Mitsuri.

You cry in pain when your back makes contact with a support beam. You and Mitsuri fell to the ground, unceremoniously falling onto Mitsuri's when you both reached the ground.

You rushed to get off the Love Pillar so you wouldn't hurt her more than you already did. You hastily grab your fallen kama from the ground and look up at the demon.

The demon looks something straight out of your nightmares.

This demon was tall, maybe around Gyomei's height or taller. The body was covered in an inky black mist that was constantly wiping around it's own body except it's head. The skeletal figure was long and lanky, it's claws were painted with dark blood.

It's face was barely visible; wide, round eyes with white, dot pupils and no irises, it's smile was unnaturally wide. It's design is so simple, and maybe that's why it was scary to begin with.

You notice Sekido and Giyuu help lead the people outside to the hallway.

"Oh my God!" Mitsuri cries as you help her up, "That demon is so scary."

You stare at the demon.

And the demon stares at you.


The demon cocks its head to the side in a 90 degree angle, the bones in its neck poke through it's skin but never breaks it. It's grin grows bigger and it runs right at you.

You scream and swipe your kama right at the demon's neck. Your blade only phases right through it. You pull your kama to the side and push the chain forward and the octahedron swings forward. It phases right through as well.

The demon opens its mouth, black tendrils shooting out of its mouth and pushing you back. Your body smashes right through the cheap material of the paper walls.

You faintly hear someone calling your name, but you couldn't distinguish who the voice belonged to. You notice absentmindedly that the sun has already gone down.

Was that snow you saw?

Your body was continuously being pushed back into the woods; your arms, legs, sometimes your head and back would hit against a branch or tree.

"I'll save you, (L/n)!" You hear Mitsuri's faint cry.

She must've done something since the tendrils pushing you suddenly disappeared and you were dropped to the ground at a high level.


You wail your chain and octahedron in hopes that you'll catch it against a branch, but you were unfortunately only catching on thin and brittle branches.


You hear a sickening crack when your upper back slams against a tree branch. Tears spill from the pain, but new pain is brought when you land on your front on the ground.

You cry in pain that was unfamiliar to you. You try to take deep breaths to calm yourself, but you just had the wind knocked out of you and only made the pain worse.

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