130: Tragedy's End

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A/N: Hello? Hello hello? Oh, hi! Yes, I've taken the fattest hiatus I've ever taken! I'm still going to be slow with updating this story, but don't misunderstand why! I'm not taking a break from this story because I lost motivation or anything like that. I've been on hiatus because I felt comfortable enough to leave it alone for a while so I can work on other stories!
Like my Twisted Wonderland story for example!

Thank you all so much for staying with me and being patient! Comments are VERY much appreciated, and I hope you enjoy this short chapter!


Koibito was sleeping peacefully on your lap, purring quietly as your hand rakes through her fur. You dully stared outside, the sound of the rain soothes your anxiety.

You were sitting on the engawa with your side leaning on one of the support beams, your legs dangling off the edge. You were wearing a gray yukata, you borrowed it from Makio since she had many spares.

"You should go inside, you'll catch a cold."

"I don't care, Sekido," You mutter in reply.

He sighs, "Jesus, you're so fucking emo. At least get something else to wear?"

You look to your left where Sekido sat. It was very cloudy today, not a single ray of sunlight peeking through the clouds. It was a perfect setting for Sekido to be outside. He looks back at you with a lopsided smile.

"My haori is still getting stitched up," You say monotonously, "I don't want to wear anything else."

Your demon friend groans in frustration, "God, when are you gonna stop moping around? This isn't like you at all!"

"My mother died, you fucknut."

"And you know she'd hate to see you like this."

He's right, but you can't help it.

"Can you just leave me alone for a while?"

Sekido sighs through his nose, "You know I can't do that, (Y/n)."


You hum in response to tell Uzui you were listening.

"Who were you talking to? Koibito?" Uzui asks with a frown, leaning against the door frame.

"...'m just talking to Sekido."


The demon snorted, "So casual about that."

"Master Oyakata wants a meeting with you today." Uzui tells you, "If we leave now, we can make it by noon."

"Do I really have to go? I'm retired, aren't I?" You huff in frustration, "Just go by yourself and tell him what I told you."

Sekido shakes his head, "Don't be like that, (Y/n). Besides, I'm sure Uzui misses hanging out with you."

"I really think you should be the one to tell him. You know the most, after all." Uzui argues.

"Tengen. I said I don't want to go."

You hear him release a heavy sigh.

"See? She's been this way since seven days ago." Uzui says for some reason, "I don't know what to do to get through to her."

"I'll see what I can do," That was Sanemi's voice, "No promises."

Sanemi walks up to you, sitting down on your right. He looks down where Koibito was sleeping on your lap.

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