94: Short And Sweet

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A/N: This is my art of Miku Eno, she's at the young age of 38

please she looks and smells like cotton candy

i have also been told strawberry shortcake


"Miss (L/n)?"

You groan in annoyance then roll over to lay face down.

"Um..." The female Kakushi awkward shifts by your futon, "Excuse me, Miss (L/n)...?"

After the Kakushi found you alone, passed out by a beloved sword-smith, they immediately cleaned up the scene and took you to the village since it was fairly close by.

Your backpack and sword wasn't too far from where you were. They even washed Akaza's weird pink cardigan and stuffed it in your bag.

Anyway, since Gerik often talked about you when he could force a Kakushi to listen, they just knew you needed to meet his wife. Hoping you and her could find comfort in each other.

So now, the female Kakushi was by your futon in the building they let Demon Slayers sleep in.

It's been almost 30 minutes since the Kakushi was sent to get you; you're surprisingly hard to wake up.

"Whaaat?" You whine like a little bitch.

"Miss (L/n), you are at the Sword-smith village. Mrs. Eno would like to-"


At hearing Gerik's last name, your face scrunches up in a painful expression.


You start bawling once again.

"Oh, God! Gerik!" You pull your covers over your head, you're already losing your voice, "I-I-ah-I didn't-I didn't mean to-I didn't mean to-"

"-Miss (L/n)," The Kakushi was trying hard not to just cry with you, "We must go, there's someone who wants to meet you."

"N-No! I-I can't! I can't! I can't! I-!" Your head was already beginning to hurt from your constant weeping, "I-I can't see-I can't see her! She-I killed-I-It was-It was all-all my FAULT!"

The Kakushi didn't know what you were saying. But she could still hear the pain and anguish in your cries.

It was impossible not to cry too.

"M-Miss (L/n), please. I know you-"

"-What is taking so long? Is everything al-oh."

You try calming yourself down, but to no avail. Even still, you throw off the covers and shoot up.

Tears and snot and puffy eyes and red nose and red cheeks and messy hair.

A complete mess.

That complete mess is you.

The woman who had suddenly walked in is holding a large, blue and grey cloth folded over her arms; you think it's a haori.

She certainly did not look like a complete mess.

Unlike you.

Her skin is fair tan. Her long, (it looked) soft, curly hair is white that faded to soft pink beginning at her jaw. Seriously, her gorgeous hair reaches the end of her ass.

Her small, dark eyebrows were pinched in worry. Her beautiful, blue eyes were glossy with tears. Her pink lips were trembling as well. In her hair, she had two, blue glass flowers pinning her bangs away from her face.

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