44: You Royally Fuck Up In More Ways Than One

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A/n: Sekido was born to become your personal Google Translate! In between talks, Sekido will be translating, so I don't have to constantly be writing it out.


You, Sekido, Kyojuro, Uzui, Gyomei, and Ubuyashiki were all inside now. On your left was Kyojuro and Uzui, on your right, was Sekido and Gyomei. Ubuyashiki's daughter has left, so he was facing you all alone.

Sekido was wrapping himself in the thick blanket he had, but you made him share it with you because the material was soft as fuck.

"So..." You click your tongue, "What's the sitch, Kim Possible?"

You have never seen Kim Possible.

"I-.... what?" Ubuyashiki had to do a double take.

"Don't worry about it," Sekido answers, "Was there something else we needed to discuss?"

"Yes. (Y/n), starting from today, you will be training with Kyojuro to help better your swordsmanship skills. Once you're properly healed, you will also receive your first mission via crow soon after. I'm sorry it has taken this long for you to finally receive a crow of your own, you must be frustrated about that."

You laugh, "Not all at, don't worry about it. You have a lot on your plate already as it is, you shouldn't have to apologize to me for something this minor."

"Thank you. Kyojuro, you had offered to take in (Y/n) to help train her, but I also heard that you have gained a tsuguko and two others to train." Ubuyashiki turns to the blonde, "And since Sekido is now a part of (Y/n)'s life, you will be responsible for him as well. Are you sure that you will be able to manage it all on top of your duties as a Pillar?"

"Of course! I'm the Flame Pillar, this won't be a problem for me!" Kyojuro declares, briefly remembering Sekido's words, "And while we're on this subject, I think it would be better for (Y/n) and Sekido to stay at my place as well. Since she isn't from here, I imagine she doesn't have a place to return to once she is done healing."

Sekido covers his mouth with his fist, trying to stop himself from wolf whistling at the implications.

"Your father is a former Pillar, do you think he'd accept her and a demon into your house?"

Sekido almost laughs. Rengoku still lives with his dad?!

"I'm sure he could be reasoned with if I explain it to him. Though, I'd like to wait for the confirmation before I tell (Y/n), as to not get her hopes up in case I'm unable to convince my father." Kyojuro says.

"Alright, as long as Sekido and (Y/n) will be in safe hands, I'm sure she wouldn't mind either." Ubuyashiki nods.

Damn, must be nice to know what they're talking about. You thought bitterly.

"That's so bold and flamboyant of you, Rengoku," Uzui teases, "Just ask her to marry you while you're at it, you're already halfway there, anyway."

Sekido was about to threaten Kyojuro for his impure mind, but he was beaten by the Flame Pillar himself who started to laugh nervously, a little too loud, with a red face.

"I'm sure that this concludes my business with you Master Oyakata!" Kyojuro bows quickly before getting up to leave, "Have a nice day! I am fervently praying for your health! Have a nice day! Have a nice day!"

Kyojuro leaves and closes the door, you can all still hear him repeat that last sentence as he gets further and further away.

You all just stared (Gyomei and Ubuyashiki's head were facing the direction he left) at the door, wondering what the fuck was that.

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