116: Sheeeesh

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These are the scars/burn littering your face! Obviously the skin tone/scar/burn colors will differ from what you want, but this is just a visual! Also:

Akaza: dies

Me: oh no!

Me: anyway-


What's worse than waking up with tinnitus? When you wake up with tinnitus and a headache. And you feel so dehydrated too.

The system is rigged, you fucking hate it here.

You try to open your eyes, but only the left one opens...


Was something covering your right eye? That would suck; what if you lost your eye? You'll have to legally change your name to Mike Wazowski if you only had one working eye.

This is so sad...

"Alexa," You spoke weakly, "play Greek Tragedy."



"I fucking hate it here," You whimper pathetically, "I want to go home..."

You turn your head to the side and blink owlishly.

There was a redhead in the bed next to you. His hair was curly and messy. There was a scar on his forehead; he was hooked up to a lot of crap.

He was just looking at you with tears in his maroon eyes.

"(Y/n)..." His voice was weak and hoarse.


"I'm sorry..." You mumble, "Who are you...?"

More tears poured from his eyes; it made you feel bad because you could see the affection he holds for you in his eyes.

He looks familiar but you can't place your finger on who exactly he is.


Why can't you remember?!

This is fucking bullshit!!

"(Y/n)," The redhead mumbles, "Why... are you so upset?"

You're not upset.

Who is he to decide how you feel? Is he some empath who can decipher your emotions?



You remember that face now.

Tanjiro can smell your emotions like a fucking creep. He was also in a coma. And now he's awake.

It's not like you forgot who Tanjiro was, you just couldn't recognize him as Tanjiro... for some reason.

Uh, anyway-

"Hey..." You close your eyes and sigh, "Welcome back."

"Hi..." Tanjiro smiles sadly and closes his eyes as well, "It's good... it's good to be back."

"You look like shit," You laugh silently, turning your head to face the ceiling.

"And what happened... what happened to you?" Tanjiro smiles.

Kyojuro happened. Akaza happened. Some dank-ass demon who probably punched you at your right temple happened.

Everything happened and it all fucking sucked.

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