91: Hulk's Cum

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A/N: This is your new nichirin blade! I hope you like it!


Despite constantly being aware that your friends will be meeting certain doom in a few days, you can't help but get excited right now! Gerik will be coming by with your new weapon in just a few moments!

Period who? We don't know her! Kyojuro might be sad that she's gone because she let him cuddle with you.


Anyway, Tu Cielito flew by squawking about a sword-smith on his way. And since no one else in the Rengoku Estate needed a weapon, by process of elimination, that means it's Gerik.

Maybe Sekido should sign up for a nichirin blade too.

You noticed he's been getting lethargic lately, and it's probably because he's constantly using his Blood Demon Art to keep you alive.

Sekido deserves a break. You'll talk to him about it soon.

Anyway, when Gerik showed up to Uzui's party about 2 months ago, he was super pissed that you lost your kama. It probably took a really long and difficult time to make.

You don't know if he'll be providing you with a normal blade or another kama, but you're just excited to see how he'll include Akira's hand-guard.

You're honestly hoping for just a normal nichirin sword. The kama was a hassle, and it'll be easier to use a sword now that Kyojuro was teaching you with a wooden one.

"So, I was thinking," Why are you doing this, "That it'd be pretty badass if you joined us when my weapon arrives."



"Because becoming a Demon Slayer is pointless. This is all pointless." Shinjuro mumbles from his place on his futon.

"Ohhh..." You click your tongue with an uninterested attitude, "I give you full permission to make fun of me when my blade doesn't change color."

"If you can't even use a Breath Style-"

You scoff silently and roll your eyes as he continues to talk.

"-You have no business becoming a swordsman."

"Right, so," You shift on your knees to get more comfortable, "funny story, my weapon changed to like-three colors last time. I don't know how, I think it might be God trying to protect me in some way from certain death."

You tilt your head to the side in thought, "Which is cool since God basically owes me a few favors at this point."


"Okay, so not that funny, but it's a story."



"Kyojuro told you, didn't he?" You rub the back of your neck, "Didn't he tell you the real reason I'm in the Demon Slayer Corps?"

"...no. And I don't care-"

"-They don't actually care if I'm capable as a swordsman or not. The thing is, they only allowed me to join because of my clairvoyant abilities." You sigh, "I can see into the future with freaky accuracy. And I can tell you this, but you really can not share this with anyone else."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now