40: And So Things Were Decided

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"-Wait, no." Tanjiro shakes his head while lowering his head into his palms, "No, you-you can't go back. You have to stay here."

"Kamado, this isn't a choice you have a say in," Sanemi frowns, "This is (L/n)'s decision alone."

"No, you don't understand." Tanjiro lifts his head up, "Don't you remember what Sekido said? Don't you remember how she got here? She was going to get killed! We can't let her go back, what if they try to kill her again?!"

"Tanjiro is right," Kyojuro nods, "We can't just send her back when there might be someone waiting for her. And not in the way that she will hope for."

"What's going on?" You ask Sekido.

"Um," Sekido awkwardly plays with his left ear piercing, "Tanjiro and Rengoku both think you should stay because you might get killed."

"Killed?! Why am I gonna get killed?!" You panic.

"Because you were going to get burned or shot or something," Sekido provides, "So they think someone might be there waiting to finish the job."

"Oh." You deadpan, "So what?"

Sanemi did not like that.

"What do you mean 'So what?'?!" He shouts.

"What did she say?" Uzui asks.

"Sekido told her why Kamado and Rengoku thought it was a bad idea to go back. That she might get killed and she just said 'so what?'!!"

They all looked at you in worry. You laugh, which only concerned them even more.

"Seriously, so what? What's the big deal?" You shrug.

"(Y/n)." Tanjiro sighs, "You can die."

"Tanjiro, sweetums," You pose, making an L with your hand and holding it to your chin, "Do I look like the type of person who dies?"






"Bruh. Didn't you die on the table during your surgery?" Sekido asks.

You laugh, "Did I? Wild!"

"(L/n), please," Shinobu looks distraught, "This is serious."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not afraid to die, it would suck ass, but I'm not scared. You don't have to like it, but that's just how it is." You slump back into your chair.

Sekido translates word from word while Sanemi didn't know whether to look at you with concern, or with distaste at your words.

No one (other than yourself and Sekido) really knew how to react to that.

"That can't be true, (Y/n)." Kyojuro speaks up, "You knew about Sekido and his Blood Demon Art that's been keeping you alive for a while. And you tried to get Sekido out of the sun, because you knew you would've died if he did as well. So you must care about living, if only a little bit."

When Sekido tells you what the blonde said, you had to hold back from laughing.

Damn, maybe Sekido was right. You are a depressed bitch, but you've been knew.

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