43: Your Life As A Telanovela Character

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Sekido picks up his head to look at you, but he was met with a smack upside the head with every word.

"OW! Hey! Wh-What the hell are you-"

"-You think you're fucking slick, huh?!" You smack him on his shoulder, "You think I don't know what the hell you just said?!"

"Calm the fuck down-"

You grab Sekido by the back of his head and bring it back down to the floor.

"Ah! Dude! What-"

("Kinky." Sanemi huffs quietly under his breath, which gains a questionable look from Uzui since his hearing was flamboyant.)

"-You're not sending me back home! We made a deal! If we're going to be punished, we're dealing with it together!" You shout, "You can't-you can't just-"

"I'm trying to protect you!-"

Your strength was no match for Sekido, so he was able to lift himself back up while you kept trying to push him down.

Plus, he was in his normal size now, so it was harder to push him down, anyway. He didn't hit you back though, since he could actually hurt you.

"-I want you to live!" Sekido reasons.

"If I was worried about dying, I wouldn't have become a Demon Slayer! If I was worried about dying, then I would've asked you to take me back the moment you offered!" You finally remove your hand from his head.

"It's not about if you mind it or not!" Sekido argues, "We're friends, right?! And friends are supposed to help each other!"

"So then help me!" You plead, "Help me come up with something so we can both stay!"

("This is like a dramatic play I've seen once." Sanemi leans to his left and whispers to Kyojuro who was next to him, "It's getting good right now. Watch, she's gonna slap him."

Kyojuro furrows his eyebrows and slowly turns to look at Sanemi who was immersed in your 'play'.)

"I don't want you to stay if it means you'll be in greater danger-"

You effectively cut Sekido off with a slap.

(Sanemi gasps quietly, "I told you! She's gonna insult him now!")

"-You fucking idiot!" You shout, "This isn't something you decide on your own!"

(Kyojuro wonders how the fuck Sanemi knew this. No, he wondered how many plays Sanemi has seen.)

"Don't be so eager to get rid of me," You lower your voice while shucking off your backpack since your back was hurting, "We do this together. We fight together. We survive together. Or we die together. That's what it means to be a friend, Sekido."

("She just told him that they're going to go through with this together." Sanemi whispers to the Flame Pillar, "It's classic one-liner before he realizes she's right and gives in.")

Sekido sighs and chuckles, "Fine, we'll do this together. But if we survive this, I want to be carried in an expensive ass box, alright?"

(Sanemi slowly nods his head, "Classic."

Uzui, who has amazing hearing, heard all of Sanemi's commentary, had to hold himself from clapping at the scene you and Sekido performed.

Kyojuro was just confused at the sudden revelation that Sanemi was a fucking Theater Nerd.)

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