67: I Hate You

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There's mentions of murder and past abuse (physical/emotional) in this chapter. It's not detailed, as I don't think this is the time I want to reveal all of (Y/n)'s sob story here.

There's a reason why the reader's story is very dramatic and tragic, but the reason won't be revealed until wayyy later.

So... yeah.


Day 29

You've relocated 6 times after the meeting with the Upper Moon Demons. And with every relocation, the mark on your arm had gotten bigger. You know Akaza noticed, but he hasn't mentioned it, and you haven't either.

In apology for revealing your secret to the Upper Moons, Akaza let you stay off your ankle until the swelling had completely gone down.

You were hesitant at first, since your deal was for him to not eat humans if you just never let your ankle heal. But he reassured you that he wouldn't, and that you didn't have to worry.

Your ankle got really fucked up anyway in the past, so it still hurts sometimes when you walk for too long.

As of right now, for example.

You and Akaza were walking to your next relocation, but you had to stop for a break since your ankle was still hurting like a bitch.

You were sitting down on a fallen tree while poking a dead spider on the ground with a stick.

"What kind of spider is that?" You ask.

"Um," Akaza was sitting down next to you, "It's a Daddy Long Legs."

You scoff: "It's a good looking spider, but I wouldn't call it "Daddy.""

"Yeah," Akaza laughs, nodding to your statement.





"I feel okay to walk now," You smile, tossing the stick to the ground, "Let's go?"


Akaza stands up and holds his hands out for you. You take them both and Akaza pulls you up to your feet.

You wipe your hands on the sides of your kimono then you lean down and pick up your bag that's filled with your things. Akaza takes the bag from your hand.

"I'll carry this, you deserve a break." Akaza says as he puts the bag over his back.

"I haven't been training or working out in the past month. I think the bag will be good for me to hold." You protest.

"Just let me hold this for you," Akaza rolls his eyes, walking forward.

You laugh, "I think what you wanted to say is, 'Let me be nice because I'm never nice.'"

Akaza holds back an amused smile: "I'm always nice."




Akaza turns around.

You're gone.


"Who the hell are you?!" You screech, hitting the demon on the head with a thick branch.

"I told you, I don't speak English!" The female demon tries to block your attacks.

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