15: The Flame Pillar Wants Some Fuck

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"Wh-Why is she undressing herself?!" Mitsuri squeals and covers her eyes but peaks through her fingers anyway, her face red in embarrassment.

"How bold and flamboyant!" Uzui cheers, "Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip-"

"Oh my, oh my!" Shinobu teases.

Iguro sighs in disappointment: "Female Demon Slayers these days..."

"A-Ah..." Kyojuro had a large, bright blush on his face, facing up to the sky to avoid staring at you, "This must be because of her sexual frustrations! But for it to get this far..."

"(Y-Y/n)! Wh-What are you...!" Tanjiro stutters, flustered beyond repair.

Was it really because you were sexually frustrated that you were striping?! He didn't even realize it all this time! He just thought you naturally smelled sweet and intoxicating [and just a little sad]!

You hum before reaching into your bra's left cup.

"Oh!" Mitsuri is openly staring now.

"Is this a new Demon Slayer technique?" Muichiro asked, unfazed.

Gyomei was sobbing, "The child lives the life of sin. May she die and be released of her crimes to reach ascension."

The pebbles on the ground had suddenly gained an embarrassed Sanemi's interest. He might not be the most pleasant person on Earth, but he wasn't going to stare at you while you did... whatever it was you were doing.

Giyuu had pink cheeks, he tilts his head as he continues to watch you with a blank expression.

Your phone was a bit sweaty because of your body heat. So you wipe it on your shirt before holding it out for the Pillar's to see.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" You call to get the attention of ones who looked away.

Everyone was in awe, staring at the black box you had pulled out of your shirt (And at your exposed chest). You turn around to show the two daughters who were with Ubuyashiki.

"Wait a minute! So it wasn't your magical breasts creating the noise?! It was that thing making the obnoxious sound earlier?" Uzui asks with wide eyed.

"Wh-no! It wasn't her breasts!" Tanjiro snaps his head to look at Uzui, "It was an alarm! It's supposed to be irritating so you can wake up to turn it off in the morning!"

"What is (Y/n) showing them?" Ubuyashiki asks.

"(L/n) had unbuttoned her uniform shirt to pull out what seems to be a shiny, black box." One of the girls replies, "Kamado and (L/n) are calling it a 'phone'.''

"A phone? What is a phone, (Y/n)?" Ubuyashiki turns his head in your direction.

"The original purpose was to simplify communication. But now in my time, they upgraded them! So, not only can you communicate with others from across the world or just five feet away in real time, they added other installations for entertainment, education, and work related purposes." You explain in a professional manner, acting as a salesperson.

"If you had a phone, and the other person had a phone, you two could talk to each other without delay, and you can hear their voice as they speak!"

"Telephones were invented in 18...in the late 1870's I believe. I don't think they were introduced to Japan until the 2000's. But, a phone like mine where you can take it with you, was not made until the late 1900's! The type I have now is actually called a smartphone, and actually hasn't been invented until 2007! Even then, this one is a completely new model from 2019!"

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now