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57: The Truth Come Out: Does (Y/n) Is Clairvoyant?


"What are you doing up so late?" Sanemi closes the sliding behind him, almost shivering from the midnight cold.

"Couldn't sleep," You mumble, swinging your legs off the engawa, "You?"

"Light sleeper," The Wind Pillar sits down next to you, "Why couldn't you sleep? Nervous?"

"Yeah...I'm uh..." You furrow your brows, "I'm having second thoughts..."

Sanemi frowns, "Why?"

You turn your head to your left to look at him, "I mean... this is a pretty big mission if a strong Pillar like you needs backup. I'm not gonna back out or anything but... even I know this isn't exactly my field of expertise."

Sanemi nods, "You have that demon with you, right? You'll be fine."

"I guess..."

"So uh..." Sanemi is going to regret this but, "Have you... seen any good plays from the future?"

You smirk, "Yeah... I like this musical from my time. It's about a Founding Father of the United States."

"Oh, what's it called?"

"The musical is called Hamilton... it's about Alexander Hamilton."

He snorts, "Can you recite it?"

"Actually, yeah... I can."


58: Koi No Yokan


"You-You what?! You let her get away?!?!"

"Re-Rengoku, I ju-look, I had to make sure Shinazugawa was alive!" Sekido nervously steps back away from a seething Flame Pillar, "He was impaled an-and he got hit on the-"

"-That doesn't matter! He's a Pillar, he can handle himself!" Kyojuro steps forward and quickly closes the gap, "So why didn't you do something?! You should've done something!!"

Without giving a demon a chance to say anything, Kyojuro punches Sekido in the jaw with all his might, sending him down.

Kyojuro grits his, pulling Sekido back up by the front of his uniform:



Alternative 71: You're Never Out Of Mind


"Ah... R-Rengoku... I don't think..." Tanjiro grits his teeth, his unsteady dropping the wooden sword, "I think... I need a break..."

Kyojuro, Senjuro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke look at the redhead with confusion.

Tanjiro... needs a break? Even Senjuro and Zenitsu could keep going for at least another hour or so...

"Hmm... Tanjiro, stay out here. You three-" Kyojuro points to the others, "-You're done for today. Go inside and wash up."

"Hah?!" Inosuke lifts up his mask to show his disgruntled look, "How come he gets to-"

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now