48: On This Chapter Of (Y/n) Reacts: Your Life As A Manga Character

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A/N: Have this unrelated Kyojuro drawing I made a while back last year


"Duuuuude." Sekido draws out, "That's wack! Go to the next chapter!"

You continue to the next chapter and the first thing you're greeted with, is a colored page.


In the manga, there was a girl sitting on the ground.

The girl had (h/l), (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes, her (s/c) skin was a bit dirty from being in the ground. She had blue jean shorts, sneakers, and an over sized black hoodie.

In her lap was a backpack, and in her hand was a black box. Her expression showed surprise and slight fear.

You never really focused too much on your looks, but you thought the interpreted drawing of you in the manga was beautiful. It made you feel better about how you saw yourself, and maybe how others saw you.

On that same page, it had the Demon Slayer logo, the chapter title-which was chapter 20: (L/n) (Y/n)-and the tagline read: "Who is this foreign girl? She's so beautiful...!"

The next page was the same picture, but this time, it was in black and white. And there was another angry speech bubble with "AH!"

"Jesus fucking Christ! You scared me!" The girl scolds.

Tanjiro only shows confusion as the girl stands up and put the black box in her back pocket.

"Hey, sorry. But where am I? And what's your name?" The girl smiles softly.

You didn't notice this the first time you met Tanjiro, but here in the manga, it's showing that he was blushing a bit.

"Uh, I... don't know what you're saying." Tanjiro says.

The girl furrows her eyebrows, "Do you seriously not speak English?"

He only smiles sadly, "I'm sorry, I don't understand you."

The girl takes a deep breath: "Do you. Understand. The words. That are coming out of my mouth?"

Tanjiro only had a face of confusion.

In the next panel, the girl was drawn in a dramatic pose with her head in her hands and tears in her eyes.


"Okay, I am not that dramatic." You defend.

"Sure." Sekido nods.


"Ah! Hey, are you okay? What's the matter?!" Tanjiro waves his hands slightly to get

Now is not the time to cry, (Y/n)! You need to get your shit together!

The girl thinks this and shakes her head before spinning around to face Tanjiro. Tanjiro had stepped closer to inspect the girl, tears swelling up in his eyes for not being of any help to her.

The girl smiles and points to herself: "(Y/n)."


"Ah, fuck." You click your tongue.

"What do you mean, 'Ah, fuck.'? We knew it was you."

"Yeah, but now it's confirmed to be me. Now I have to acknowledge it."

"Do you think there's a chapter about us reading the manga?" Sekido asks, "And a chapter about us reading the chapter about us reading the manga?"


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