49: Life Isn't Always What You'd Think It Be

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You scratch the back of your ear: "That's the door to my room at my house."

"Yikes." Sekido clicks his tongue, "Well, let's go, then."

You deadpan at Sekido's behavior. Sekido opens the door, but on the other side, it was the hallway in the Butterfly Estate. You furrow your eyebrows and step forward.

"(Y/n) and Sekido," Tanjiro smiles, "Be safe."

"Yep! See you in 24 hours!" You offer your friends a small salute.

You walk through the door with Sekido close behind you. Right when the door closed, the door suddenly changed back to the normal sliding doors the Butterfly Estate had.

"So..." Zenitsu scratches the back of his head, "What... do we do for the next 24 hours?"

"Well! We could-" Tanjiro immediately stops.

What do they do for the next 24 hours?

You usually always had something for everyone to do. Whether it was drawing or listening to music, to cleaning or making food. Whenever they come to bug you, you always seem to know what to do so they wouldn't be bored.

Tanjiro wonders sometimes what his life would be like if Zenitsu wasn't around. Or if Inosuke wasn't around either. Or if YOU weren't around either. Each scenario was always so boring.

Now, they really did have to live without you, if only for 24 hours.

You've been gone for less than three minutes and they're already bored. They were just idling around in Sekido's room. Awkwardly.


"Okay, this is actually really awkward." You hiss.

For the last three pages, each panel was a different camera angle of the boys just awkwardly hanging out in Sekidos's dark room.

"This is really bad," Sekido laughs, "I feel like the rest of the time we're gone, it's just going to be them awkwardly hanging around."


"I'm gonna go outside..." Inosuke mumbles.

"Yeah, good idea," Tanjiro sighed in relief.

The three of them left Sekido's room and-still awkwardly and silently-walk down the halls to go to the backyard of the estate.


"Oh my God!" You cried, "Why are they moping around?! They're acting like I died! This is so uncomfortable!"


Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu were now outside, though they were sitting on the engawa in a circle, looking bored out of their damn minds.

Tanjiro was sitting with crossed legs, his elbows resting on his legs while he held his chin up in his hands. Inosuke was also sitting cross legged, though he was leaning back on his hands. Zenitsu was laying on his stomach in a star-shape position, his right cheek resting on the floor.

"So..." Zenitsu starts, "I saw a dead snail the other day."


"Oh, that's... cool, I guess..."

Tanjiro and Inosuke mumbled out, uninterested in the topic.



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