50: You Fucking Body Slam A Cop

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Brief mentions of Police Brutality but don't worry you fight back!


You only rented the room for one night until the late afternoon.

Since Anime Con would end at 11PM, you and Sekido were leaving the hotel at 8PM since that's when the sun would be completely gone. You were lucky you had decided to bring your uniform and kama.

However, you realized ONE thing when you changed.

You left Sekido's uniform back in your room.

Something tells you, you fucked up.

That something was Sekido.

He told you, you fucked up.

Which technically you did, but to be fair, you were trying not to get caught by your brothers and sister.

Well, okay, you did end up getting caught anyway, but it was the thought that counted, and the effort that mattered.

When 8PM rolled around, you and Sekido both took showers and started to get ready.

Your kama was wrapped up and clipped to your waist and you were dressed in your uniform and haori. Along with the gifts the girls have given you, your hair was being held up beautifully by the hairpin. Sekido was actually the one who did your hair since they way you did it before was 'a fucking travesty'.

Sekido wore your brother's clothes with the hood up to cover his horns. He insisted on carrying the backpack because he wanted to feel useful.

Your phones and chargers were in the backpack since you didn't have any pockets and Sekido didn't want to lose them by accident. Your clothes were in there, and so was your money.

You use your kama and cut off a long piece of fabric from a thin blanket. You stuff it into Sekido's pocket before wrapping your kama again and left the room.

"Why did we need to do that?" Sekido asks in a low voice as you both walk down the hall towards the elevator.

"What if someone cosplays as you? I know I should be able to tell by your clothes, but I wanna be safe," You point to his pocket where the ripped fabric was hidden, "So, when we get to the convention, we'll tie our wrists together so we won't drift apart."

"Bro, that's so fucking romantic." Sekido snickers.

"I'm a Goddamn charmer." You grin.

You stop in front of the elevator and pressed the button to call for the lift.

"So, why do we need to go to a convention?" Sekido asks.

"Because where else are we gonna go? I don't wanna pay for another night when we'll be leaving soon, anyway," You answer as you both enter the elevator lift.

You spam the bottom floor button because what if someone tried to get in with you?

Fuck that noise.

Finally, the doors closed, letting your soul rest.

"How much is the entry fee?" Sekido asks.

You shrug, "I dunno. I've never been to a convention before. But it should be like $30 each, I think."

The doors open and you two were allowed to leave. You notice that outside was already dark, so once you two were outside, Sekido pulls down his hood.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now