62: Story Time

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Day 4

"Hey, Home-Boy, I need to go to the lake," You say as you put the apple core into a small bag.

"The lake? You bathe in there, and it's not clean to drink from to begin with," Akaza cocks an eyebrow.

"Not to drink. I still have water in here," You show the demon the medium sized gourd he got you, "I just need to brush my teeth then take a bath."

"The sun is going to set soon, so we can go together. Can you wait until then?"

"Sure." You smile, "But you have to tell me a story while we wait."

Akaza was sitting next to you on your left against the cave wall in the back. Your right foot was elevated on the basket with a bag of cold, boneless ice. It's all melted, you couldn't be bothered to remove it, and you told the demon to leave it there.

Your kimono was outside laid across a rock to dry. You were wearing your Demon Slayer uniform, your left sock was on, your right one was inside the basket.

Akaza had his legs pulled up to his chest and was leaning against them.

He rubs the back of his neck: "I'm not creative."

"Sounds like a you problem," You shift in your spot to get more comfortable, "Tell me a... funny story."

"I'm not-"

"-And make it snappy."

"Why don't you go first? Then it'll give me time to think of one." Akaza suggests.

"Hmmm... sure, I have a story." You nod.

"And what's the significance of this story?" The demon asks.

"Akaza, not every story has to have significance, you know? Sometimes a story is just a story," You reason.

"I suppose."

"This story is about the stars."

"The stars?"

"Yep!" You nod eagerly, "So buckle the fuck up!"

"I'm ready," Akaza humors you.

"A long time ago, the night never existed. It was just the sunny sky for 24 hours everyday."

"Sounds irritating," Akaza comments.

"Right?" You chuckle.

"There was a dragon, her personality was nasty and she was the most rude creature ever. One day, all these people ganged up on her and plucked all of her beautiful black scales. Underneath all her scales, she was the most hideous, most horrendous looking dragon ever. Her skin was an inky black with blue and purple, and her eyes were all grey. She hid herself away because she was scared to be mistaken for a horrendous demon and they would kill her, for she believed she was the last dragon in existence."

"So she was a bad dragon, and people plucked off all her scales, and left her with nasty black skin. So she hid away because she didn't want to be killed? All because her skin was a nasty black?" Akaza summarizes.

"I know! Fucking racist!"

Akaza laughs but quickly stops himself: "Sounds like the villagers were closed off."

"I think there's a better phrase for that." You smiled.

"...A narrow mind?" Akaza guesses.

"An obscure line of sight." You correct him.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now