114: What Would Jesus Do?

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"I think it's too soon to talk to her," You advise, "you just saw her, so wait three days."

Murata raises an eyebrow, "Three days? Are you sure?"

You nod, "Like Jesus Christ."

"Like... Jesus...?" Murata rubs the back of his head, "The guy from the Bible...?"

You nod vigorously: "Jesus waited three days to come back to life. It was perfect, Murata! If he had only waited one day, a lot of people wouldn't have even heard he died."

Murata blinks owlishly.

"They'd be all like, 'Hey Jesus, what up?' And Jesus would probably be like, 'What up? I died yesterday!' And they'd be all like, 'Uh, you look pretty alive to me, dude...' And then Jesus would have to explain how he was resurrected, and how it was a miracle, and the dude would be like 'Uhh okay, whatever you say, bro...'" You explain with displaced enthusiasm, "And he's not gonna come back on a Saturday. Everybody's busy, doing chores, workin' the loom, trimmin' the beard, NO. He waited the perfect number of days, three."

Murata tilts his head in interest and slight realization.

"Plus it's Sunday, so in church already," You continue, "And they're all in there like 'Oh no, Jesus is dead.', and then BAM! He bursts in the back door, running up the aisle, everyone's totally psyched, and FYI, that's when he invented the high five."

Murata breaks into a smile.

"That's why we wait three days to talk a woman, because that's how long Jesus wants us to wait..." You take a moment to drink your water, "True story."

"I... would love to psychoanalyze you," Murata nods.

You snort unattractively.

You've been in the Butterfly Estate for almost 2 weeks now to heal up. Sanemi and Giyuu had left a few days ago.

You also learned why Inosuke stayed at the Estate for so long as well.

Even though he didn't get pierced in the chest, he was still heavily injured. Dislocating his joints certainly wasn't good for his body either. However, he was discharged yesterday morning and most likely arrived at the Rengoku Estate the same day.

Tanjiro is still in a coma. You wonder how much longer it'll be until he wakes up. You know it'll be two months, but your concept of time is fucked thanks to not having a calendar that you can fucking read.

Kiyo also told you that Tanjiro broke his sword once again. And apparently Kyojuro gifted Tanjiro with a flame hand-guard! The girls sent a letter to Haganezuka with the hand-guard. But of course, he sent it back with a letter back, cursing the redhead out.

You had them send a letter to Miku as well, so now you're just waiting for a reply.

Right now, your only company was Murata since everyone has been busy lately. Having one-way conversations with Tanjiro just made you sad, and Sekido never tries contacting you with forced telepathy. You couldn't even see Nezuko since you couldn't get out of bed, and she's been in her mini coma since the battle as well.

"Murata," You smile softly, "Don't listen to me. You should go talk to her while she's still here. If she thinks it's clingy of you, then she's not deserving of the affection you can provide for her."

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