60: Bipolar Demon

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Why does your back hurt? Did you unknowingly have amazing missionary sex?

No, you still had your clothes on. So, what the fuck? You don't ever want your back hurting if it's not from sex!

(You are a virgin.)


You can feel the blood between your thighs.

D I S G U S T A N G.

You push yourself up but when you shift your weight to your legs, pain shoots at your right ankle. You hiss through your teeth while forcing yourself to sit up.

You noticed it was already dawn, or was it dusk? You'll find out soon. The smell of water was fresh, it had either finished raining, or you're very close to a water source.

You were in a shack?

No, it was a shallow cave, and the walls were reinforced with wood. It looks pretty worn down, so no one's been here for a long time. There were vines and leaves covering the entrance, but it looked like someone had torn and removed some of it.

It looks like the sky was getting darker, so it was dawn. There's a lot of shade here even though it's still light out, the cave is probably facing away from the sun.

This place honestly looks like something from a Fairytale book.

You rub your eyes to get to sleep out. You move both of your legs so they would sprawl out despite the icky feeling of your pad being full.

You whimper as you tried to rotate your ankle to determine how bad it was.

You could see through your black socks that your ankle was swollen as all hell. Moving your ankle even a centimeter was a chore, it was too painful to do anything more than that.

Very carefully-and very painfully-you remove your sandal and roll your sock down your leg then finally take it off.




Yeah that's bad.

Even if it were good, it's bad.

You didn't think you'd damaged it that bad, but you never think twice before making a final decision.

Your right ankle is a deep red, almost a sickly purple. The knot was big and the swelling had traveled down to your heel as well.

Fuck, you rolled it awkwardly last night. You're pretty sure you stretched and teared the tough bands of tissue that helped hold the ankle bones together.

The wisest thing to do would be elevate it and put some ice on it. Something like this can take 5-6 weeks to heal properly enough to walk.

But you just got kidnapped by Upper Moon Three: Akaza. You'll just buy a new ankle off Ebay or something. What are they, like 20 bucks?

Plus, you need to change your pad and take a shower ASAP.

You look around the cave once again. No backpack, no kama, no phone, no pads.

Ah yes, the dream life.

Quickly, you put your sandal back on and balled up your sock in your fist. You bring your thighs together and put your hands behind you for support.

On three, you'll get up.


"You shouldn't stand."

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now