38: This Is Gospel

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A/N: This Gospel video might help with some context of some future interaction so-


"Faster, Uzui!" You squeal in excitement as you're pushed down the halls in a wheelchair by the Sound Pillar.

"NO! DO! NOT! GO! FASTER!" Tanjiro shouts as he and Kyojuro run after the two of you.

After the whole 'Oh shit, (Y/n)'s life is dependent on a demon, we should probably do something about that' fiasco, everyone came to an agreement that you should all talk to Sekido.

Well, they agreed the Pillars-as in, all the Pillars, minus Tanjiro-to talk to you and the demon.

You said no. Tanjiro said no. And you said, in Sekido's steed, no.

3 against 5.

They tried to fight it, but you pulled out the guilt trip card and made Sanemi translate.

"Right, well," Your face went blank, "I think since it's my life we're dealing with, I should decide. And since my hands are still tied down, I'm getting a special wrist vote. And my feet, so I get a special feet vote for the freaks out there."

They were about to protest, but you continued.

"And, it's been a week since I've been tied down, and I am missing valuable masturbation time. So I also get a special vagina vote. So, only us six will be going for now. Okay?"

Everyone was kind of just, silently awkward.

"Does anyone want to go against my special vagina vote?"

6 against 5.

And so you all came to a compromise that you six-which is still a lot-would talk to Sekido.

Shinobu, while apologizing, freed you from the restraints. After that, she went ahead to Sekido's room since Kyojuro and Tanjiro were busy.

Kyojuro and Tanjiro got into a passive aggressive argument about who was going to carry you since you shouldn't be walking with a hole in your stomach.

You tried to explain to them that you've been stabbed many times before and you were used to it. You could totally just walk on your own.

Sanemi was quick to call you on your bullshit, and Kyojuro thought you were making a dark joke, but then Tanjiro and Uzui reassured that you were not lying (Their heightened sense were a curse sometimes).

Nobody liked that.

Everyone was concerned.

Which leads Uzui, the Chad, to secretly get a wheelchair from a different room close by. Sanemi, who was one for chaotic times, provoked Kyojuro and Tanjiro's argument further so Uzui could help you into the chair.

You two had just left the room when Kyojuro and Tanjiro finally noticed you were gone.

They both insisted that one of them push you, which resulted in you telling Uzui to run. And you meant for Uzui to run alone, not push you and run.

But you certainly weren't complaining.

Sure, there was the high risk of danger of you getting seriously hurt, but this isn't the first time you were in a cart or wheelchair while someone pushed you at an incredibly high speed.

Ah, youth.

"TURN RIGHT! TURN RIGHT! TURN RIGHT!" You laugh as you two were coming close to a right turn.

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