75: Build Up For The Worst

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A/N: Lmao I forgot to put this in the last chapter but this is Aimi Chō


"Had fun last night?" Sekido asks with an irritated voice, sitting up on the floor.

You grin such a derpy grin, "I most definitely did."

You went over to Giyuu's room the next morning since you wanted to rant to Sekido-the virgin-about how good Aimi's coochie was.

You were not expecting Sekido and Giyuu to glare at you when you walked in.

But you knocked! So why are they mad?!

"(L/n), your... sexual adventures are private to you. However," Giyuu picks up his pillow from his futon and chucks it at you, "Be mindful of other residents who are trying to sleep!"

"WAH!!" You narrowly dodged the pillow, "Hey! What the hell was that for?!"

"You were four rooms away but we could still hear you!!" Sekido blushes at the unfortunate memory, "Do you know how awkward it was for Tomioka and I?!"

"Hey, you should be thanking me," You smirk smugly, "I mean, that's probably the most action you two will ever get. This girl... had a ridonckulous body!"

"That's it!"

Sekido shoots up from the floor and tackles you.




Giyuu sighs depressingly.

Sadly, you were right about the action he gets-er, doesn't get.


It was later the same day, you were in Giyuu's room (much to his dismay) with Sekido and Tu Cielito.

You were drawing a picture of Tu Cielito and showing it to her. Sekido was looking through your Android for saved Tik Tok videos, and Giyuu was drinking his tea.

You three had your uniforms washed last night, so now you were waiting for them to finish drying before leaving.

But then, you remembered something.

"Hey, what day is it?" You ask.

Sekido tilts his head in thought: "November 4th-"




"I am literally right next to you."

"Mi Cielito," You smile, "Can you deliver a message for me?"

She tilts her head and bonks her beak lightly against your hand. One bonk means yes, and a squawk means no.

"Sekido, I am literally the worst person in existence," You flip your notebook to an empty page and hand it to Sekido, "I deserve death."

Sekido watches as you look through your pencil bag: "Why? What did you do?"

You pull out a gold Sharpie: "How good can you write in Kanji?"

Sekido takes the Sharpie, "I'd say I'm pretty good, why? What's going on?"

"Uzui's birthday was on the 31st of last month," You frown, "And I missed it."

"Oh," Sekido uncaps the Sharpie, "You want me to write him a letter in apology?"

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