99: You Won't Believe This False Hope

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A/N: Awkward Shinjuro made by :

@/ _trrino_ on Instagram


You frantically shake off your backpack and drop the sword on the floor. You hurry to your feet and swing the door open, but it only led to the hallway of the Estate.

Your face scrunches up at the unknown yet awful feeling swelling in your chest. You slam the door closed and open it once again.

You pull your sleeve up again to check your arm, but the mark was still missing.

You shake your head and reach down to grab your sword. You march out of the room and start going down the halls.

"Kyojuro?!" You call loudly, "Senjuro?! Shin-Mr. Rengoku?!"

You're shaking so much right now. You're so fucking worried about Sekido being with that fucking lunatic.

You always knew (F/n) was a bit... possessive and obsessed with your friendship, but holy fuck you didn't think he was a fucking cliche Yandere bastard!

"Kyojuro!! Senjuro!! Where are you guys?! Mr. Rengo-"

"-Why are you yelling for-What are you wearing?" Shinjuro turns the corner to glare at you but his expression turns into confusion at your modern day attire, "You come back here and you're screaming first thing in-"

"-M-Mr. Rengoku, where's Kyojuro?" You tense up and instinctively hug your sword, "There's an emergency!"

Shinjuro's expression hardens, "What happened?"

"Um-So, I-I never told anyone this because i-it was just weird to-to talk about. But-um, when I-an old friend-he's not my friend anymore, but before I-I first arrived here, he almost got me killed when he tried kidnapping me!"

As you frantically speak, you're waving your hands in the air like you normally do for story telling. Shinjuro is just making sure the nirichin blade doesn't fly out of your hands.

"But Sekido managed to save me in time! B-But the thing is, (F/n) is-is psychopathic and-and obsessive and-and he's a danger to society! I-When Sekido and-and I were about to go-to go back, we saw someone had broken in-into my house!"

You start to feel light headed.

"And-And (F/n), I don't think he knew that-that Sekido was a-a demon! I-I think he was going to-to kill him! And when we went through the-the door, (F/n) tackled him! And-And Sekido told me to go through anyway and to close the door and-"

"-Hey! (L-L/n)! Calm down! You're speaking English, and I don't understand!" Shinjuro puts his hands gently on your shoulders and shakes you lightly back and forth, "Just breathe, okay? T-Try to mimic my breathing pattern."

You aggressively nod and try to focus on Shinjuro's breathing.

In for 5 seconds.




And slowly out for 5 seconds.

In for 5 seconds.




And slowly out for 5 seconds.



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