3: Did You Hate Inosuke, Or Did You Just Need To Go To Sleep?

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You watched silently as the boys made their way inside before looking through your backpack again. Your water bottle was a little more than half full, you prayed it'll be enough for now to clean your knees, but you didn't have anything to clean it with. You had your bag filled with feminine products just in case, but other than that, you really had nothing else.

You weren't paying much attention to your surroundings, but you noticed the kids had gotten up, staring at the box.

"Hey, it's okay," You tried to reassure them.

Of course they couldn't understand you, but it's not like it mattered, they wouldn't have listened to you anyway. They gave you a glance before running into the mansion.

You groaned, they'll be okay, you knew this, but it still made you nervous. You stood up and sat back down closer to the box which Nezuko was just vibing in. You put the backpack and water bottle next to you before pulling your bloody sweater off your body, throwing it away so the blood wasn't tempting her.

"Hey, I know you're in there..." You almost said her name, but Tanjiro hasn't mentioned her yet, so you didn't want to seem suspicious, "You're a demon, right?"

Of course she didn't respond, you wondered if she was sleeping.

"You probably can't understand me, but...I still wanna talk to someone, even if you can't understand or respond," You frown, "I've only been here for a few hours, but I already feel so lonely."

You opened your bottled water: "I don't speak Japanese, and I can barely understand it either. I feel so left out, I feel..."

You poured the water onto your left knee, hissing at the pain, "I don't know how I should feel. You know, you read fan-fiction about this kind of crap, but the storyline was always so convenient, that you never spared the thought that it wouldn't be if it was actually real."

You hesitated before pulling your tank top off, you were wearing a grey sports bra with yellow lining, so you weren't showing too much. But you were still insecure about showing this much skin in public. You tried to rip off a piece from your shirt, but it wasn't as easy as it looked in the movie.

"I just want to go back home, I want to go back and see (F/n). I want to go back to my shitty world where the Coronavirus was trying to kill everyone and the toilet paper was out of stock." You finally ripped a long piece of cloth.

You started to wipe your left knee before wrapping it: "I know that because I'm here, that my death won't be too far away. I'm not a Demon Slayer like your bro-uh, like Tanjiro, or like Zenitsu. And I'm not conveniently strong and I don't know the basics of self defense. I mean, I've seen a lot of action anime, but it doesn't mean I actually know how to fight to save my life. Well, that's not really true."

You ripped another piece of cloth before getting your water bottle to pour it over your other leg.

"I hope that I get home soon. If I remember correctly, they'll stay at the Wisteria house to recover from their injuries, but it doesn't say in the manga or anime how long. But considering they broke their ribs, they're going to stay for a long time. Ribs take like...5-6 weeks to heal right? That's like a month long I think. But I don't know if they'll be staying that long, though."

As you rant, you failed to notice the small scraping sounds coming from the box, you only focused on cleaning and wrapping your other knee.

"Maybe during that time, I can figure out a way home. I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for this. I already have to deal with so much shit at home and my public life, I don't think I can handle this too." You frowned at the memories of your home life.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now