42: The Joint Trial Of The Demon Slayer Pillars

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A/n: Have this Tiny Sekido art I made if he wasn't an e-boy with all his piercings


"Okay, so this is fine. It's going to be fine," You nod as you wrap your kama with the wrapping, "This is fine. This is sooo fine."

"You keep saying it's fine, so now I'm starting to think this isn't fine." Sekido huffs from his bed.

Since the hospital ward had windows, you and everyone else gathered in Sekido's room. The light shone down on you all as you got ready to leave for the meeting. Since Sekido didn't have a box yet, he had to shrink down to his tiny form while wearing many layers of clothing, to which he bitched about.

You got dressed in your uniform while wearing the gifts you were given since you might die today, and you want to die looking like a snack. Sekido has to wear your haori since the fabric was pretty thick. You had your hair tied up with your hairpin keeping it up. Right now, you were wrapping your kama to hook it on your belt.

If you remember correctly, Ubuyashiki's Estate was well hidden, so a Kakushi was going to be carrying you and Sekido to the meeting. After you leave this room, then you two are off.

"(Y/n)'s nervousness is making me nervous," Zenitsu whines.

"Try not to think about it so much," Tanjiro suggests, "Just focus on what you'll do once you get back to your world."

"Yeah, think of it like a job interview!" Sekido's tiny voice rang out.

You sulk: "I never once got a call back from a job. I got a part time gig at a daycare only because they were a new business starting up and they were desperate for hire."


"Don't be a wimp!" Inosuke shouts, "If you get killed, I'll kick your ass!"

"Wow, kicking a corpse is my favorite pastime, too." Sekido said sarcastically.

"Ugh," Zenitsu scrunches his nose, "It's so disturbing to hear you say that when you look and sound like a child."

Sekido cackles, "Want me to say something else?"



You and Inosuke look at Zenitsu and Tanjiro who said no.

"Sekido has a foul mouth," Zenitsu pouts, "I'm not sure if that'll help you out during your guys' trial."

"Yeah. (Y/n), keep Sekido in line." Tanjiro nods.



"Sekido, you keep (Y/n) in line, too." Zenitsu adds.



"I'm wounded!" You put your hand over your healing scar, "I'm respectful! Why am I being supervised?!"

"It's not that, but you and Sekido fight a lot." Tanjiro says.

Inosuke starts to pick at the Kama so you unwrap it and hand it to him.

"Yeah, okay. Then..." You sigh, "Okay, so we should come up with like, a code word. That way, when one of us starts being an asshole, we can just subtly say the word and stop our asshole doings."

"Um, maybe just say 'stop'? I think that-"

"-Asshole." Sekido snaps his fingers, effectively cutting off Zenitsu, "Everytime one of us is being an asshole, we'll call each other an asshole. That'll be our code word!"

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