80: Tanner Stain Orange

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"You... fell off a cliff?" Tanjiro blinks.

"Voluntarily." You correct him.

"You... voluntarily fell off a cliff?" Tanjiro blinks.

You throw your right arm up in defeat, "Why is that the thing to focus on?"

"Because you fell off a cliff!" Kyojuro comments.


Sanemi shakes his head, "That really doesn't make it better."

You were back at the Butterfly Estate after the meeting with the Pillars.

Tanjiro had apparently accompanied Kyojuro to the Estate to help carry your things to take you back to the Rengoku Estate. Nezuko had stayed back at the Estate since Tanjiro was going to have to carry Sekido.

Sanemi was with you because he "wanted to make sure you don't swallow your own tongue".


You were waiting for Shinobu to come back to redo your bandages on your left shoulder since the one you had was half assed so you could see Ubuyashiki.

She's also supposed to come back with medical supplies so you could treat your wounds on your own. It was easy to convince her to let you go since you've had some "training" in the medical field considering you were studying to become a surgeon.

Once you get to the Rengoku Estate, you're going to have to write a letter to Gerik.

Fuckos One, Two, and Three forgot to retrieve your kama from the forest. So now you were without a weapon.

Sad boi hours.


You look over from your bed to see Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi. Sumi had a pink folded clothing article, and Kiyo had a white one.

"Things One, Two and Three!" You grin, "How are you girls doing?"

"A lot better now that you're okay!" Kiyo nods.

"Yeah! You were only gone for a few days and you already got yourself hurt," Sumi pouts.

"Onē-Chan can't be left unsupervised!" Naho gasps.

"Wha-I had Giyuu with me!" You feel kind of offended because they were 100% right.

"Tomioka is an airhead," Sanemi scoffs, "He can't be left unsupervised either."

"You shouldn't say that, Sanemi," You frown, "It's not nice and it's not fair to talk about someone who isn't here to defend themselves."

Sanemi rolls his eyes and mutters a "fine whatever".

"What are those that you have, girls?" Kyojuro smiles.

Kiyo pipes up and walks over to hand the white clothing article to Sanemi, "We cleaned your haori and sewed back up!"

Sanemi takes his haori and pats Kiyo softly on her head, "Thank you."

Kiyo squeals quietly as Sumi holds out the pink clothing to you.

"This is the vest that was tied around your shoulder!" Sumi smiles as you take the vest, "The material is so soft, and it's really strong, too!"

You chuckle and hold the vest out in front of you, "I forgot about this! Thanks for cleaning it up for me!"

"Hey!" Tanjiro points at it accusingly, "Is-Isn't that Akaza's?!"

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now