108: Your Titties Look Heavy Let Me Hold Them For You

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A/N: Have some normal Damien when he's not using his Blood Demon Art. He too pretty he must die-


"Are you sure you don't wanna come with us?" You ask, stopping at the split road where Iguro was already walking down the right, "Kyojuro's Estate is only 10 more minutes away, it'd be good to rest."

Hariko shakes his head, "No, I should get home to make sure it's still there. I've been away for over 6 months, so I'm ready to just get there and pass out on my bed."

"Oh damn, well," You hold your hand out, "Hope we meet again, Hariko."

He shakes your hand, "Likewise, (Y/n)."

Hariko gives Sekido and Damien a nod of acknowledgment before turning away to walk down his own road.

You fix your uniform and pull at the sleeves of your haori. You move your hand down to the hilt of your nirichin blade, holding the glass flowers in your hand.

"Let's go," Sekido fixes the strap of your backpack, well actually he was wearing it but still, "Before Iguro yells at us."


"You stay out here," You say to Damien, "I don't know who's home and I don't want them to attack you."

"(L/n), Sekido, and I will go in to look for whoever is inside," Iguro says, "If someone comes outside and sees you, scream like a girl and well come to your rescue."

Damien nods, "Alright! Okay! Cool! Cool! Cool! Cool! Yeah, I-I can do that!"

You blink owlishly.

This demon...

Was a huge dork...

"Just..." Iguro turns around and opens the door, "stay in the shade and try not to swallow your own tongue or something."

"Don't be mean," You snort, following Sekido and Iguro into the Estate.

It was still pretty early in the morning, the sun hadn't risen yet, so Damien was safe to stay outside in the shade on the front yard.

You pull your blade and scabbard from your belt, holding it in your hand.

"They're probably not even awake," Sekido whispers.

"They should be," Iguro frowns from behind his bandages, "I sent a letter yesterday afternoon telling them that we should arrive around this time to-"


You barely had time to register what the hell was going on when you were suddenly enveloped into a tight hug, lifted off the ground. You almost drop your nirichin blade, though you feel someone take it from your hand.

Oh, the person hugging you was Kyojuro-

"Gods, I've missed you! I've missed you so much!"

You hug him back, low-key smelling his soft hair; it smells like honey.

"I've missed you too, Kyojuro," You sigh, "I'm sorry I had to go for that long, but I just-I needed to-"

"-That doesn't matter!" Kyojuro sets you down but he doesn't stop hugging you like you're the only thing in the world keeping him sane, "You're here now, and that's all that matters!"

Oh sweet baby boy.

"Sorry to break up... this..." Iguro makes a vague hand gesture towards you and Kyojuro, "But we have something to discuss before the sun rises."

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