125: But Never Meant To Be

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A/N: I used google translate for some Portuguese dialogue so I'm sorry if it's inaccurate :( And don't ask me what was said either because I completely forgot what I even said and I'm too lazy to figure it out again so I guess this will be a mystery to all of us involved.


You stare blankly at the crumbling corpse in front of you, the heavy rain washing away the remains of the demon who's making your night a living hell. This room gave you a headache from the way it was painted. The walls, ceiling, and floor were a trippy black and white spiral color, it didn't help that you were trapped in so many rooms that were identical to this one.

Honestly at this point, what more do you have to say about it? It's rinse and repeat. You think things will be okay, you get sent to kill a demon, the demon traumatizes the fuck out of you, and you get depressed about it after it's killed.

Delmo-God you hate just thinking about him-has a very annoying Blood Demon Art. He's giving you delusions after delusions after delusions.

One minute you think you're being taken to a private room to have a "friendly conversation", the next minute you're decapitating him in front of everyone at the party. Then, the next minute the mansion is being morphed into a literal Fun House.

Delmo was still alive, and you had just killed an innocent bystander who you were convinced was the demon, but that was just the monstrosity of his Blood Demon Art. Then you thought you saw him again, but after a horrifying discovery, you learn that only after the body completely crumbles away is when the disguise on the humans goes away.

It's a dangerous game.

The only way to see if it was actually Delmo or just a human, you had to decapitate them.

You learned this after the 5th human, and Nao learned this after the 4th.

Kyojuro and Inosuke were completely useless right now. Their morals ran deeper than your and Nao's; they couldn't bring themselves to actually decapitate anything in fear they'd kill an innocent person. Instead, they were forced to desperately search for Delmo in the Fun House while also running away from any Delmo-look-a-like's.

You and Nao must look like the real demons to them right now.

The last piece of Delmo disappears, only for a familiar fog to take place where his body once was. You scrunch up your nose when a silhouette of a man appears and you run away, already knowing that fog would just clear up to show you what you have done..

Another human you killed.

Another life you ended.

Another reason why you'll be going to Hell.

You swing open the door then slipped and fell on your fucking face from the damn water coming from the room you were just in. You don't know how the hell it was raining in one room then completely dry in the next. But you chalked it up to it being a Fun House made by a literal demon.


You cry in pain when your nose hits the ground, your eyes tear up in pain as you push yourself to sit up. Your blood was already dripping in front of the door.

Kyojuro frantically runs down the empty hallway in search of you. He swings open the only door in the hall, stumbling inside when unanticipated water makes him lose his footing. He takes a quick sweep of the large room. The walls, ceiling, and floor were a trippy black and white spiral color, and it was... raining inside?

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