102: Homura

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A/N: ah whatever this chapter is kinda lame and so is the next one

Song: Homura by LiSA

LiSA's first take of Homura was pretty bitchin ngl


"..." You blink, "Hah?"

Gabby lets go of your arm and smiles softly.

"You're a... you know, a Demon Slayer." Gabby crosses her arms and closes her eyes in thought, "It's about time, really. I was..."

The brunette's expression softens and she laughs quietly, "I was beginning to lose some hope, but... if you're here, then these girls can finally escape this Hell."

Ohhhhhhhhh shit.

Should you tell her you're a Demon Slayer? It seems she's already made up her mind that you were, but still. Iguro said not to tell anyone, but it seems like Gabby's intentions were genuine. But she could be faking it just to get you to spill.

"I..." Okay, hesitating does not help.

Gabby hums and pulls a white clothing article from the rack.

"I get it. The less we talk about it, the least likely you'll be caught," She more or less shoves a white dress in your arms, "I'll do everything I can in my power to help you."

Ding Dong.

Gabby takes a deep breath and-shamefully-you can't help but look at her titties when she does that.

She pats you the head... it was comforting.

"That's me and Haru," She says as she walks around you, "Wish us luck!"

You nod absentmindedly as you kind of follow her out of the dressing room to watch her perform, the dress with the metal hanger still in your arms.


Wish Gabby and who luck?

The tall brunette walks towards a pair of double doors that most likely leads to the stage, where some other escort was already waiting for her.

Her skin was a bit more tan. The left side of her hair was dark brown, the right was bleached to blond, it was styled into a french braid that barely reached her mid back. Her left eye was colored deep red and her right eye was a pastel yellow. She was wearing blue eye makeup. She wore the exact same outfit as Gabby, but instead it was white.

Ah. It's the youngest escort.

Escort #25: Name: Haru Kastina Reynolds. Age: 16. Race/Ethnicity: Filipino/American. Blood type: O. Date of birth: 08-16-1898. Eye color: Het-red/yellow. Hair color: brown. Skin color: medium tan. Height: 4'9 (150cm). Weight: 109lb (49kg).

Haru is the most sensitive of the escorts. Since her arrival, she and Gabby are often seen treating each other as siblings. Haru is most popular with the older staff and older gentlemen due to her small frame. She often gets comments about her 'birthing hips'. Haru has quite the fighting spirit, but she's weak in regards to physical strength and gives in quickly. Haru's most notable skill is aerial silks.

You feel sad looking Haru. She wasn't that much younger than you, and she was in a place like this? And from her number, 25, she is among the first escorts, alongside with the taller brunette.

Gabby smiles at the girl and flicks her forehead. Haru whines and starts to shout profanities in Filipino probably.

Gabby isn't going to tell anyone that you're a Demon Slayer, she seems to really care for Haru at least.

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