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Disturbing Content/Discussions of:

•Human Trafficking

•Mentions of Non-Con/Rape

•Mentions of Forced Murder

•Mentions of Forced Cannibalism



Please DO NOT assume that just because (a) character(s) in this chapter is/are doing something horrible, that I as the writer:

•Approve of it

•Am romanticizing it

•Have some weird kink in regards of it

•Think it's okay for anyone to ever do ever

My writing of (a) villainous character(s) does not mean that I am a villain.


"And not to mention, Max is probably gonna be my new dad," You bite down on half a strawberry, "So it was kind of boring. It would've been more fun if you two were there, though."

Tu Cielito nods her head in agreement as you offer a different strawberry to Kaburamaru. Very much to Iguro's dismay when the snake graciously accepts the snack again.

"But honestly-" You bite into the rest of the strawberry and throw the stem and leaves to the ground, "-I know I bitch about it, but I was grateful for the down time. Everyone expects me to be wild everyday, but sometimes I appreciate the other small things in life, you know?"

Kaburamaru didn't understand what you said, but felt understood by your words, anyway.

"I mean, there's more to life than just constant danger. Sometimes, you really just have to stop and smell the roses. We live on a dying rock that just floats in space. We might as well experience everything before we die."

Tu Cielito and Kaburamaru nod their heads as if they actually understood anything you just fucking said.

"Speaking of death..." You offer the bag of different fruits to Iguro that Senjuro had already made for everyone's travels, "What's the scoop?"

Iguro stubbornly ignores your offer, "I don't know what that means."

Tu Cielito flies off your shoulder to-what you assume anyway-use the bathroom.

"What are we up against? What's the deal with this demon? What's the sitch, Kim Possible?" You have never seen Kim Possible but still.

Iguro reaches into his haori and pulls an large, thick envelope he kept tucked under his belt. He hands it to you.

"Human Trafficking," Strong right off the bat, "The demon is most likely using this as a decoy to devour these humans. Supposedly, some Americans-"

Iguro emphasizes this as he points a glance at you, but you weren't paying attention to see it.

"-have been planning this one, huge shipment from here to America for over half a year. Basically, the humans believe that they're trading these American women for money. I've had a Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer as a spy since then from the inside. He's been keeping me updated."

You cringe at his words as you open the envelope and pull out the stacks of papers and grey-scale pictures.

Why did you have to get such a gruesome mission as a second assignment?

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now