122: Fuckin' Kazuki

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A/N: This is Nao's outfit for the NEXT chapter! But I thought to bless you sooner because his waist is SNATCHED!

(also I'm probably gonna disappear again after this)


You stare at Kōrenki motherfuckingly: "Motherfucker."

His fucking ears droop and you feel like scum, "I-I'm sorry, just... please try to understand my reasoning."

Miku looks between you two with worry, her arms full with your backpack and an extra bag hanging low from her arm.

You and Sekido-his name is Kōrenki, you need to get used to that-were in the living room close to the hall leading to the front door. Miku insisted on packing everything for you, so she went to find you after finishing up.

Though Kōrenki had just finished explaining why he shouldn't go with you. There was a 50/50 chance that you wouldn't return in time for the events of the village arc. And in case the Upper Moons show up before you do, Kōrenki would feel better staying behind to help everyone else with his convenient Blood Demon Art.

"No, it's..." You sigh, "I just didn't want to go alone. I understand what you're trying to do. I'm not upset."

You offer a small smile, "You're my emotional support demon, Kōrenki."

Kōrenki smiles back bashfully, "And you're my emotional support human."

"A-Are you two alright?" Miku frets.

She smells like strawberry cotton candy right now, earlier it was raspberry.

"Yeah," You nod, holding your hands to her, "Thank you for packing this for me, you really didn't have to."

Miku smiles warmly, "My friends Nekimi and Moini will be arriving soon, so I was already on a roll getting prepared for their arrival."

Kōrenki sulks his shoulders, "Girls night, huh? Want me to stay in my guest room?"

"You will join us, Atsushi! Oh, it'll be so fun!"

Kōrenki shrugs, "Sure, as long as they're okay with me being a dem-"

Your attention is dragged to knocking coming from the front door. That must be Nao.

"P-Please give me a minute!" Miku shouts.

You look at Kōrenki, "I'll see ya later, man."

He nods and pulls you in for a quick hug. He rubs your back before letting you go. He waves goodbye and silently leaves the room just to be safe.

You quickly grab your sword that was leaning against the wall and speed to the front door. Miku was hot on your trails, wanting to see your new friends. You didn't have the heart to tell her Nao almost made you cry, she seemed so happy that you weren't a loner.

You fix the haori Miku had gifted to you long ago, though you were wearing Akaza's vest underneath as well. You trip over your own feet, catching yours against the door.

"Oh!" Miku worries for your health, "Are you-"

"-I'm fine, mom!" You chuckle in embarrassment, standing up straight and opening the door, "Just uh, let's keep that a secret, yeah?"

Unfortunately Nao was standing there with a smug look on his face. Well not really, there was a slight smile but most of the emotion came from his eyes.

"You tripped onto the door?" Nao muses, "That eager to see me, are you?"

"Eugh... Don't get full of yourself, Kazuki."

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