56: No Time To Rest

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Everyone tenses up and slowly turns towards the door.

Standing by the open doorway was big man Shinjuro himself. He had a bottle of liquor in his hand, probably liquor anyway. One of his eyebrows were raised as he looked at you all with a bored gaze.

Slowly and subtly, you move to stand in front of the broken vase.

"Salutations!" You greet.

Shinjuro furrows his eyebrows: "Kyojuro, you said six others would be coming today. Where are the other two?"

That rude slut.

"Nezuko and Sekido are in the boxes," Kyojuro provides, "I think they're both asleep. This is (L/n) (Y-"

"-I don't care," Shinjuro walks in and closes the door, "Do what you need to do and don't bother me."

Shinjuro narrows his eyes at Tanjiro and you think he's about to tell the redhead off about Sun Breathing. But to your surprise, he only scoffs quietly before leaving.

That was anticlimactic. He might try and talk to Tanjiro in private though.

"Ah shit," You mumble.

"Is something the matter, (Y/n)?" Tanjiro asks.

"Nothing you would be able to help with, Tanjiro," You rant, "Because really, this is a burden I must carry on my own. No one can help me, no one but myself. But even I don't believe in me, so really, we're all fucked due to my lack of problem solving skills."

They only understood like, 7% of what you just said.

"...Is it that clairvoyance thing?" Zenitsu asks.


Your what?

Oh, right!

That was the cover story Uzui had made up for you!

After Tanjiro found out about your 'clairvoyant' power, he told Zenitsu and Inosuke about it. Tanjiro tried to explain it to Nezuko as well, but she didn't emote at all, so he wasn't sure if she understood or not.

In all honesty, it kind of pissed you off that Tanjiro told them. Not that you were planning on keeping that information from them, but that wasn't a secret for Tanjiro to share. Or he could have at least asked you before he went and told them.

Tanjiro did try to apologize, since he could smell your anger when you found out.

But you're making it a mission to try and not hold grudges against others in this world.

It's kind of working.

"(L/n) is clairvoyant?" Baby Boy Senjuro asked, "How does that work?"

"Uh, it's kind of like..."


"...Deja vu." You decide to say.

"Deja vu?" Senjuro pouts.

"Bless you." You smile then blurt out: "You're so fucking cute, Senjuro."

Senjuro blushes red as he laughs nervously, "Um-"

"-Anyway!" You clap your hands together, "Let's get lost in the sauce, Kyojuro! Where are the rooms at?"


The rooms were too fancy for you. You didn't feel comfortable breathing in case you'll taint it with your ghetto soul.

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