65: Upper Moon Demons

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Day 17


You open your eyes and immediately had to close them due to the sudden onslaught of pain. Your back was sore and your right ankle was throbbing in uncomfortable pain.

You need to stop sleeping on the ground in weird positions, your back will never recover. And your ankle; Akaza made you walk to your guys next destination since it wasn't that far.

According to Akaza, he wanted you to start walking more frequently so your ankle could get used to it. You knew the reason was bullshit, but you weren't about to have that argument with him.

You hissed through your teeth as you slowly tried to push yourself up.

The place you were in was a dark room, much like last time Sekido used his Blood Demon Art.

"Hey, it's fine," It was Sekido's voice, "You can stay down, don't strain yourself."

"Sekido?" You whimper as you push yourself to sit up anyway, "What-How-"

"-The mark is back, so I can use forced telepathy," Sekido sighs, "But you're not close enough for me to show up in front of you. Sorry about that."

You look around and notice he really wasn't there.

"It's fine," You lay back down, "Guess I really didn't need to get up then."

Sekido laughs, "Yeah, but uh-ahaha-I didn't really come for small talk. Where are you?"

"Um," You furrow your eyebrows, "I don't actually know. Akaza and I never stay in one place, we're constantly moving every few days."

"Well, can you describe the place you're at now?" Sekido asks.

"I-It's like a cave? Not really, it's a cliff that kind of curls in on itself? It's not deep enough to be called a cave though-"

You struggle to explain it when you're uneducated on nature. That, and because the places he takes you are all similar to each other, so you don't want to accidentally describe a different place you've been to.

"-We're in a forest, but this place is in a clearing."

"Well... at least that sounds pleasant." Sekido shrugs.

"Yeah. You know, strangely, all the places Akaza and I stay at are really pretty places," You hum, "We should come find these places when I'm not in immediate danger."

"Why haven't-Why can't you run away?"

You groan in annoyance, "I sprained my ankle pretty bad that night I got kidnapped. I can't risk it walking on it too much otherwise it won't heal properly."

"I think freedom is more important than a sprained ankle!" Sekido screeches.

"In this fucking world where demons wanna eat me, I think I need a good ankle than freedom right now!" You scoff, "Besides, every time Akaza thinks my ankle is getting better, he forces me to run."

"Oh, and it just fucks up your ankle more." You can hear the pout in Sekido's voice, "But can Akaza really force you to do shit? You're so... intimidating when you want to be."

You feel your blood run cold: "We made an agreement. If I listen, he won't devour any humans. He's always by my side, so I know he's not lying to me. It's been 15 days, and he hasn't eaten a single human."

"Oh, yeah. Um, good job then, I guess." Sekido replies awkwardly.

"Hey, make sure you guys find me during the day or something," You mumble, "If Akaza plans on staying by my side forever, I don't want-"

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now