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Hello everyone! Yes, I know this is not a chapter, and that some of you might feel frustrated about getting a notification just to see it's an announcement.

This story has NOT been abandoned!

Whether you already knew of it or not, I've taken a hiatus from this story since I felt comfortable enough to leave it alone for a while to work on other stories. Of course being away from it meant that I had time to reflect on old chapters, and characteristics I've decided on for everyone. And during this time, I've also reflected on myself.

I am so unhappy with a majority of this story, so much that I want to rewrite it from the very beginning. And namely: Kyojuro's and Kōrenki/Sekido's death. Those two were very spontaneous decisions that I made because I was in a very low place and admittedly took it out on a story I knew was supposed to be a comfort for a handful of people.

God, and reading back on how I was writing internal dialogue, not just for (Y/n), but for all the characters involved, you could tell what state I was mentally and it's so...


I keep thinking to myself, "I've gotten so much better since writing this. Both mentally as a person, and as an Author."

I don't want to delete, or unpublish, or private the story, but I REALLY really want to start rewriting it from the beginning. And also change a few key/important parts of the story to my liking.

However, this story is uncompleted. And this is where YOUR opinion, including the ones on Quotev, come in.

Should I begin the editing/rewriting process now? (Keep in mind the story will stay up in the meantime.)

Or should I wait until I complete the story entirely, THEN create a second book that is essentially just the updated/rewritten version? (Keep in mind that doing this, the ending for the new version will be very different.)

Please let me know your thoughts and opinions, as I personally have no preference for the order and would rather do something that a majority would vote on.

Thank you so much for being patient with me and still being here. It genuinely means so much to me knowing people still read this even if I've been MIA for over half a year. Thank you for your support and kind words, and thank you for taking the time to read this!

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now