4: The Fuckening

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A/N: Inosuke is a fucking gremlin and I love him for it. (B/n) will stand for "Butchered (Version of Your) Name" Because Inosuke can only get your name right after 7 tries, and you're not sure if you can handle hearing all the different versions of your name without fighting (and losing to) Inosuke.


You all stare at Inosuke in shock.

Wow, he looks so much like a-

"Huh? A girl? Huh? Your face!" Zenitsu shouts in disbelief.

"What the hell?" Inosuke moves his hand from his forehead, "You've got a problem with my face or something?"

You hid your smile behind your black hoodie, your eyes not leaving Inosuke's face.

"You're one creepy guy, you know that?" Zenitsu comments, "You've got such a ripped body, but there's a girl's face sitting on top of it."

Inosuke turns his head to look at Zenitsu: "Why the hell are you staring at my face like that?"

"I-I'm not!" Zenitsu gets up and runs towards you to hide behind your back, "I'm not looking at your face!"

"We don't have a problem with your face!" Tanjiro claims.

Oh, you remember this part!

"It's quite petite, fair-skinned, and therefore attractive!" He finishes.

You nod your head eagerly: "Pretty boy! Baby boy!"

Inosuke has no idea what you just said, but you were nodding, so you were probably agreeing with the redhead.

"You're both corpses! Come at me!" Inosuke challenges.

"Not happening! I'm not going to attack you anymore!" Tanjiro refuses.

"Try head-butting me one more time!"

"Nope! I'm done!"

"I said do it! Come on!"

"You sit yourself down! Are you okay?"

Wow. What an absolutely thrilling conversation.

"Hey, Big Forehead! Let me tell you my name. It's Hashibira Inosuke! Don't you forget it!" Inosuke grins.

"What characters do you use to spell that?" Tanjiro asks intensely.

"Spell? Spell...I don't know how to read or write! That name was written on my loincloth-" He freezes up.

You furrow your eyebrows together, the poor boy was gonna get knocked the fuck out.

"What's wrong?" Zenitsu reaches a hand out towards you, "He froze."

They were just staring at him in worry, and you were just waiting for him to fall.

"What's the matter?" Tanjiro asks, frowning.

Inosuke finally stumbled back, falling onto the ground. His eyes were glazed over, almost rolled to the back of his head. His forehead was bleeding too, and...was his mouth actually FOAMING?

"Ah! He collapsed! Is he dead?" Zenitsu screeches.

"He's not dead," Tanjiro confirms, "It's probably a concussion. Because I head-butted the hell out of him."

You let out a soft sigh through your nose before walking over and crouching next to the feral boy. You could hear the little girl speak to Tanjiro, but you didn't pay attention. You used this time to brush the loud boy's bangs back so you can better observe the wound.

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