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You had Uzui follow you back to the ward you were staying in.

Right now, he was waiting outside while you went in to get your backpack. You had to put your papers and color pencils in your bag first, but it didn't take long.

Inosuke was sleeping, snoring so fucking loud it's a wonder how Zenitsu wasn't bitching about it. But there was a reason for Zenitsu's lack of complaints.

Zenitsu was laying on his side while looking at your phone. He was going through your album of Dank-Ass Tik Toks, exhaling roughly out his nose at the funny ones he could understand.

Oh God, you've been here for only 2 months, and you've already ruined the mentality of these youngsters with your phone.

"Zenitsu, I need my phone back," You smile at your blonde friend.


"You're not a microwave, Zenitsu! Don't fucking "Mm" me!" You frown before quickly snatching your phone from his hands.

Zenitsu balks at your action and stares at you with disbelief and betrayal.

"(Y/n)! Come on! 10 more minutes!" Zenitsu pleads while sitting up to grab your phone back.

"Quit your bitchin'! You should be training, anyway!" You scold while pushing him away.

There was only so much he could do with short arms, so he gave up quickly.

"You're so cruel! Seriously! You're so cruel!" Zenitsu whines as he flops back on the bed.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too," You mumble in a half ass-ed manner.

You pause the video and close out all the apps recently used. Which was just Google Play Music and your Gallery.

You put the phone in one of the pockets from your hospital pants. You turned around and began to walk to the door before Zenitsu's voice call after you.

"Who's with you, (Y/n)?"

You tense up as you stop in your tracks. You kind of understood that, but either way, it made you nervous.

Technically, nothing bad would really happen if Zenitsu met Uzui now. But you still didn't want to risk anything, it's bad enough as it is that you're here.

"Just a friend," You reply.

Meh, half lie, half truth. You'd like for Uzui to become your friend, but you're unsure if he'd even be able to put up with you.

"Yeah? What's his name?"

'His'? How did Zenitsu know it's a guy? Can Zenitsu hear genders now?!

"His name? It's Ligma."



Zenitsu was tense at the sudden change in your sound. Like you were schemin'. The blonde knew he shouldn't respond to that, but his curiosity got the better of him.




Zenitsu could hear there was no malice in your sound (Instead, there was a certain fondness? Like you were feeling nostalgic), so he didn't take your outburst personally.

But still!

A lady like you shouldn't be so vulgar! And of all the things to call him.... why a Cum Slut? He suddenly feels grateful for all the times you forced him to learn weird insults.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now