Get Over Yourself Reiner

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I went back into the room right as Molbit finished briefing him. I hoped hearing how little information we had might convince him to stay behind, but I knew the second I walked in the room he was determined. He looked at me and gave me a nod. "When do we leave?" He asked. I just let out a sigh knowing that nothing I could say would stop him from tagging along.

"I'm leaving at two to make sure Franz's power has time to recharge so he can bring us home since Erwin is still out of commission.

"Okay, do you want to do any training beforehand or are we just going into it?"

"We don't know enough to practice for it. Like Molbit explained we are going in blind and we are sure this is probably a trap."

"Okay, then I'll meet you in the common area just before 2 am. Until then if you need me I'll be in my room."

He left and I let out a sigh. Great, this is just great now not only do I have to worry about this being a trap but I also have to babysit now.

"So when put in a difficult situation you ended up caving," Pixis said once we were left alone in his office. "How hypocritical of you."

"It's not like I had much of a choice. He wasn't going to give up. Not to mention that you were no help. You could have tried to talk him out of it. They listen to you more than they listen to me."

"You think?" he laughed, "I don't think it matters who tells them what I think no matter what they are going to be just as stubborn."

I just sat back in the chair and rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Pixis, Shadis, Good news," Ms. Magnolia said walking into the room. We both turned to look at her, "Mina woke up!"

"That's good," Pixis let out a sigh of relief and so did I. Now we are just waiting on Berthold and Erwin.

I walked back into the room and saw Annie leaning up against the wall watching Berthold. "Can I go now?" She asked seeing me walk back in.

"Yes, thanks for watching him," I mumbled before going back to sit on the bed next to him. I didn't want to take my eyes off him. "If he's not up before 1 am can you watch him? I'm going on a mission tonight."

"A mission? No one told us there was a mission."

"That's because it was a last-minute one. Don't worry about it, it should be an easy one." I lied knowing damn well if I told her we were walking into a trap she would march straight down to Pixis's office and threaten them to cancel it. She doesn't tell us she cares, but she sure does show it.

"Fine, then it shouldn't take you long to get back?"

"Two hours at most," I said. I mean if we left at 2 and the mission was supposed to happen at 3 then we would definitely be back well before 4 but I gave us some leeway in case something goes wrong.

"Alright, I'll watch him. What do I tell him if he wakes up and you aren't here?"

"That I love him and I'll be back soon."

"Sappy shit," she mumbled.

"Yes sappy shit," I said, turning back to look at him. He looked so peaceful. So fragile. I wanted to reach my hand out and run my fingers through his hair, but I felt like if I touched him I would hurt him more.

She started heading out of the room but not before stopping in the doorway and turning back around. "Hey, whatever happened it wasn't your fault."

"You weren't there."

"No I wasn't, but unless you picked up the gun and shot him yourself it wasn't your fault."

"He jumped in front of me. That bullet was meant for me not him. I mean what would you do if Mikasa- Never mind it's not like it matters since she literally can't get hurt. You have no clue how I feel and you never will." I turned back towards him. She's a hypocrite. I know damn well if it was possible for something to happen to Mikasa and something did she would be feeling exactly like I do.

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