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When I woke up I looked around the room to see Eren was already awake. "Hey, do we know if they ever got back safely?" he asked, a little panicked. I could tell he had just woken up as he was quickly getting dressed probably to go check for himself.

"Yes, everyone made it back okay, and Pixis says they might have some information, not a lot, but enough to start thinking up some ideas," I said slowly trying to remember everything while my brain was barely awake.

"Oh thank god," he said, sitting back down on the bed. He only managed to put some pants on in his hurry, and they weren't even fully buttoned. His shirt was still in his hand.

"I guess early morning cuddles are out of the question," I mumbled mostly to myself as I sat up.

"Sorry," he said, throwing his shirt on. He wanted to go talk to Pixis and get some ideas circulating.

"It's fine, but you owe me some later," I said, throwing the blankets off and getting out of the bed.

I heard Eren whistle and rolled my eyes. Yeah yeah, I'm naked. Big whoop. "I only slept nude because you did," I rolled my eyes, grabbing some underwear.

We finished getting dressed and headed straight to Pixis's office. It was so early I didn't think he would even be in there, but sure enough, he was. Well sorta, he was asleep at his desk...again.

"Should we come back later?" I asked but it seems Eren had different plans.

He walked over to Pixis before lightly tapping him on the shoulder. Pixis's head shot up and he looked at us dazed and confused at first before blinking a few times and clearing his throat.

"Oh, hey boys," he said, sitting up straight.

"If you're tired you should go to bed," Eren said, giving him an option to do this meeting later, but we all know Pixis is stubborn.

"No, I'm good," he gestured for us to take a seat. Lightly rubbing his eyes before crossing his hands on his desk. "I'm sure you're here to start planning?"

"Yeah, so if you're tired then it's best to do it later," Eren said, staring him down, "if your brain isn't at its best then we will get nowhere."

"I assure you I'm fine."

Eren didn't seem very convinced but took a seat anyway and I followed suit. Hopefully, they've learned their lesson from last time and I won't have to intervene again, but I know that's too much to ask for.

"So what do we know?" Eren started.

"Well, not much," Pixis started out, "but more than before."

Eren paused for a second and took a deep breath before responding. "Every little bit helps." Damn, he's actually being mature for once, now that's a surprise.

"They were able to see just how intimidating the guard presence was. They told me that they couldn't go down a single aisle of the store without seeing at least one guard at all times, and that was just in the store. We had to teleport them over a mile away each time we sent them to a store because there were just too many guards in the city. "It was either that or teleport them on some roofs and hope no one would notice as they got off them, which wasn't likely especially since the sun was still up when we started."

"They are watching how many items people were buying, so we just had them grab as many as they could without it being suspicious, and then send them each to a few different stores to repeat the process."

"What do we know aside from the grocery stores?" Eren asked. I could tell he was getting a little frustrated despite hiding it well.

"Like I said, not a whole lot, just what they could see in passing, they did manage to grab a few newspapers, but as you can guess they are all full of bullshit."

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