Missed Me

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All of the groups got closer. We made our way more towards the center to get Hassam as far in as we could so he could speak. We would have to go about this differently than last time. My power needed to be present strong enough to rip a bullet out of the air and stop it from hitting it but not enough to affect anyone else. It was going to be hard to pull off, but it was one of our only shots. Levi and Pixis were also on standby in case my power failed. They were our backup plan which is why we were all in a group with Hassam. We had planned that if my power failed Levi would try and catch the bullet with his power, but in case he couldn't Pixis was going to put a shield around Hassam.

We have never done anything like this before. It's one thing to stop a bullet you know is coming, but one that might never come? If it does we don't know when or where it will be coming from. Our backup plan only works if the person shooting doesn't have a silencer on their gun. Hassam knew the risks and still offered to stand up and speak.

My power had a slight backup plan. If I couldn't make a strong enough one to stop the bullet completely then I would make one that would change the trajectory towards the sky, but even that wasn't a guarantee.

We did have more than one backup plan, but nothing that was guaranteed to work. While Hassam was talking the other groups are to get closer to us and be as close to him as possible so if any of them need to step in they can.

Hanji to heal if needed, Mikasa, Annie, and Sasha's double to jump in front of him if needed. Connie, if he noticed the gunshot in time to pluck the bullet out of the air or move Hassam to safety before anyone knows what happened. Erwin in case we needed to make a quick escape. Hitch in case she needs to blind the crowd from our powers for a moment. Hanna and Shadis if they see someone near us that might be dangerous to Hassam.

This is just assuming that they use a gun if they use something else then we might be a little unprepared. Hassam had mentioned that if someone recognized him beforehand they could inject him with a syringe while hiding in the crowd. This is why we are keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. There were so many other ways they could probably get to him that we couldn't predict, but that's why we have to be ready for anything.

When we got far enough in I tapped Hassam twice on the shoulder letting him know we were far enough in that he could lead us to where he needed to go. He nodded and found where some familiar faces were and pointed them out. "There, we need to head that way."

Of course dead center standing on the car in front of all of the crowd I should have guessed. I nodded and Pixis sent a quick text to the other group's burners telling them where to move. We started making our way and when we got close enough the person on the car jumped down and quickly ran over to us. "Hassam! You're here! We haven't heard from you in a few days and we thought something had happened." When the man pulled him in for a hug my body tensed up and I was about to try and separate them when I saw Hassam's and behind his back giving us a thumbs up. This was someone he trusted.

"No, I'm okay, but I need to speak if you could help," Hassam said and the person instantly let him go.

"Right, here," he said, grabbing his hand and leading him through the few people and over to the dented and damaged car they were using as a stage. We kept up with him despite bumping into a few people. We gave quick apologizes and tried to keep our heads low trying to avoid causing a scene or drawing too much attention.

His friend helped him into the car before addressing the crowd, "everyone listen up and get your phones out. This is my good friend Hassam, and he has been getting information straight from some exiles and the stories he's brought back with him is the raw truth that the government has been hiding from everyone," he said introducing him and getting everyone's eyes on Hassam. Great I mean we need that, but at the same time, we don't need it. The second he finished he backed up a little, letting him have some space to speak.

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