It's Time for War

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"Eren, that's not necessary," Levi's voice rang in the back of my head as he tried to talk to me.

"Like hell, they just tried to kill you, they tried to kill whoever they could. We offer them a peaceful resolution and they respond with violence. I'm done with peace, it's time for war." We knew this is how it would end up anyway. Of course, most of us were planning it with hesitance. Now all those second thoughts have gone out the window. They have it coming, and they've had it coming for a while now. "I won't be holding back," I said through gritted teeth.

Levi made one last desperate attempt to calm me down before I did something reckless. He grabbed my arm and asked me to look at him. I did just that, but I had no intention of turning the other cheek on this one. I'm tired of them thinking they could just kill us. Silence us and sweep everything under the rug rather than owning up to the possibility that they might be wrong. "Take a few deep breaths before you decide what to do," Levi told me.

I looked him dead in the eyes before flat out saying, "No. No, now they will know the consequences of their actions. They can't just walk all over us anymore."

I could see in his eyes he was worried. Worried what I might do, what I was about to start, how clearheaded I actually was, or if I was blinded by my rage. My head has never been more clear. Sure I'm pissed and I'm seeing red, but sometimes anger is the only thing that brings clarity. We've brushed off their actions for long enough. We've tried being the bigger person, and that didn't work, now it's time to stoop to their level.

I shrugged his arm off my shoulder and was about to start walking away when I realized I didn't want to leave us off like this. If this is truly the last moment I get to spend with him before I die then I want to end it off right. I turned back around and looked at him. I couldn't help but give him a sad smile. "I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course I do. I love you too," he said with a sad nod. I walked forward and put my hand on his cheek before placing a quick peck on his lips.

"No matter what happens, I will always love you."

"And I will always love you," he said back in a whisper.

I let him go and turned back around before calling for people. As much as I wanted to go in there and just start punching people we still needed a plan of attack. I was about to call over a few more people when I saw another grenade fly over my head and land in between me and Levi. Like hell will I let them keep doing this.

Pixis was about to place a force field over it when I reacted quicker. I used my powers to send it flying back in their direction. Let's see how they like it. When the explosion went off I couldn't even bring myself to care how many people just died from my one impulsive act. Everyone over here was looking at me shocked but no one said anything. I think they all realized that this is what had to be done. We all knew we would have blood on our hands by the end of the day, but I think they were more scared at how I could effortlessly do something that resulted in a lot of people's deaths without hesitation, or even so much as a second thought.

"Well that's one way to piss them off," Levi said walking up to me.

"Teach them to throw grenades at us. If they can't take it, don't dish it out," I said before looking over the barricade. Sure enough, it looked like a bloody mess. I averted my gaze trying not to think about it too much. Besides, I've seen worse, after seeing someone I care about's brains blown out in front of my face not much can faze me.

"On to our next plan of attack," I said a little louder to get some other people's attention. A good portion of them are weaponless, and the other half are now scared shitless how do we go about this. Normally I would try and find a way around them, but there is no way around them, we go through them or we give up, and I didn't come all this way to give up.

"Mikasa," I said, calling her over.

"What are you planning?" She asked with no hesitation. I guess she didn't have any problems with my actions. I mean she didn't hesitate much back when it came to our first talk of killing either. I remember her saying she wouldn't try to kill people but if it happens then it happens.

"We will have you lead the way through them. You can't get hurt by them so you are going to lead us through. The rest of us will be too busy trying to protect ourselves to be able to navigate."

"Alright, I see what you are asking," she nodded. "I can do that. Hopefully, I'll work as a distraction as well."

"At first you might distract them, but once they realize they can't shoot you, they will probably give up and focus back on us," I said being realistic. Then again these are rookies they sent out. It might work on these guys, but it definitely won't fool them all, or the more trained guards.

"Alright, I'll also try and disarm as many of them as I can."

"Good, if you can pinpoint any snipers then call them out." I'm sure they have them everywhere, especially the more we make our way in the city. That was the only thing I was sure of going into this. I wasn't sure what else I was expecting. I mean I was expecting they had evacuated the civilians and were trying to keep the officials in bunkers, but that was about all I could predict, besides a ton of guns coming our way.

Alright listen up everyone," I said, getting everyone else's attention. We are all going to be progressing forward. We leave no one behind," I took a breath having to force the next words out, "unless they are dead. No matter who dies we have to keep moving forward," I said looking at Levi knowing that if he dies I might not be able to follow my rule. I could tell he was thinking the same thing by the look he gave me.

"We are going to have the mainline try and disarm them, if you are unable to disarm them, then fight them. Don't worry about killing, they certainly won't have a problem with killing you so don't hold back for them. If you are better at protecting then protect everyone who needs it. If your power involves you needing protection, stick by someone who can do that," I said looking around. "We will be following Mikasa's lead. Everyone get ready to move."

I waited for the message to be spread to the other teams near us. The other teams on the other side of the city have already started to push. We were running behind.

We had teams all around the city's edge we planned to push towards the middle which is where the most important buildings were with the government officials. The only way we win is by overthrowing them. We've tried asking nicely, we tried the peaceful path, we've tried demanding, now we fight for it. If the government is threatening the safety of the people without reason then we have a right to abolish it, and we plan on doing that by any means necessary.

"We're moving," I said to everyone nodding for Mikasa to start walking forward.

She jumped the barrier that separated us from them. I could see the confusion on their faces at first. They raised their guns but didn't pull the trigger right away.

"We've tried all we can to convince you to get out of our way, so we will say it one more time. Get out of the way or we will go straight through you," she said not as a threat but as a final warning. "So what will it be?"

They didn't like this and a few of them opened fire on her. I think it confused them after several dozen bullets hit her body and she remained not only standing but smiling. "Alright, though it is," she said before walking forward. The rest of us following behind her we moved our barricades forwards slowly as we closed the gap.

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