Are You Prepared To Die?

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It appears Pixis was true to his word cause we were all called into a family meeting a few hours later. Sitting in the room I could see the confusion on everyone's face. I don't think they really knew what to expect from this meeting. In their minds, there was no reason to call a meeting, but here we all were.

When everyone finished coming in and taking their seats. Pixis called Eren and me up to the front so we could all talk about it. I mean it was my idea so he probably wanted me to explain it before getting everyone's opinions on it.

"Good morning everyone, we've brought everyone in here to discuss a plan that Levi came up with. After some discussion, we realized that waiting for a miracle isn't going to work, or even be possible much longer." Pixis said before looking at Eren and me for further explanation. I let Eren take the lead.

"Well," Eren started looking around the room, "after he told me what the world looks like, and how everything is going out there we figured that waiting would only put us in more danger." Eren looked at me and had me continue off.

"These two had about given up because they were too focused on what we could do by ourselves. With that thinking yes we would surely have been screwed. However, I remembered that we don't have to do this alone, this isn't just our fight anymore. Now it's everyone's fight, and it seems that everyone is ready to fight it."

I looked around the room and it seemed like people were still waiting on the reason we were all called in here. Well, best get straight to it. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. I'll let them know straight out our odds and what very well could happen. "We are asking everyone here the same question." I paused for a moment making sure that everyone was actually paying attention to the next thing I had to say. When I was sure all eyes were on me I continued. "Are you willing to go into this fight knowing that it may very well be your last? Will you go into the fight knowing you might not live to see the outcome of it?"

The room went quiet. "We aren't forcing anyone to do anything, if you don't want to you are allowed to back out at any point," Pixis said making sure everyone knew they had an option. I think he expected people to back out. I expected at least one or two of them to as well, but no one ever spoke up. No one's thoughts showed any hesitance.

After everyone looked back and forth between each other with small nods of silent conversations Petra finally stood up. "I think I speak for everyone here when I say this," she said clearing her throat, "we've all come too far to back out now. We've always given every mission everything we could. None of us are surprised that this is what it's come down to. We are prepared to fight no matter what, even if it means after the smoke clears we aren't around to see the outcome," she said before sitting back down. The room was filled with small words of agreement and people nodding their heads.

"I will do whatever it takes to see the world be a better place, even if it means I won't ever be able to experience it for myself," Ymir said.

"So what is the plan?" Rico asked.

"Well, like I said we can't do this alone. Auruo, you have contacts, Hassam, so do you, Nanaba you might have a few," I said looking at them, "we need you to get in touch with them and fill them in on everything. "Eld, we might need your help hijacking a news broadcast and getting our message out there," I said before Eren stopped me.

"Well technically, if we are going to hijack a news broadcast we wouldn't even need Eld since he has to be in sight of them we might as well just take over the news station and start broadcasting ourselves, I mean the world has already seen my face, I could do it," Eren said spitballing some ideas.

"Either would work, we just need to get there and spread the message and get out before anyone can stop us."

"I can get a message to my contacts tonight with a little help from Erwin," Auruo said, looking to him for help.

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