The Prisoners

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The younger boy looked over at us. Eren tried to pick himself up off the floor to get up and greet him. He put his hands down and his wrists wouldn't support his weight and he ended up plopping right back down on his ass. Well so much for that. I tried to stop myself from laughing at his misery but I could tell he heard me when he glared at me. I just put my head on his shoulder and gave him a smile. He and I both knew he would be pushing it with his powers. At least they are just sore and there's no permanent damage... this time.

"You're the one that saved us?"

"Well it was more of a team effort," Eren gave him a smile.

"Thank you, you saved their lives" he smiled back, "I'm Aleixo. My exiled name is Shields. Those are my sisters," he said pointing at the two young girls. "It was my fault we were captured. I wasn't strong enough to protect them."

"Hey don't beat yourself up about it. No one is prepared for any of this," Eren tried to comfort him a little but he cut him off. His emotions were all over the place.

"You don't understand, I could have got them killed. They were doing fine until I made a noise, I tripped on a tree root and fell into a bush. When we were spotted I could only hold the guards off for so long. When my shields fell they held a gun to their heads. I'm supposed to protect them but instead, I'm the reason they almost died." His voice came out rushed and panicked as he relived what happened.

His power as it looks from his memory is a barrier or a shield that deflects anything thrown at it, but it doesn't seem to last very long. From the looks of it, he must be the green badge.

His thoughts were swirling and I could barely follow them but I caught a little bit. I was able to see why he felt so responsible. He's always had to look out for his sister and keep them safe. Looks like he came from an abusive family he was used to taking hits for them and protecting them from everything he could. That's a big job for a 19-year-old boy. No wonder his black and blue eye and bloody nose didn't even phase him, he's endured much worse.

"Look, kid," I spoke up, "it's not your fault. Things happen and people get hurt, but none of this is your fault. You're part of the other resistance group right?" Alexio nodded. "Then you know that the only people who are at fault are the ones who made these laws. If these laws were never put in place then we wouldn't be in this mess too begin with."

"You're right," He let out a sigh, "it's just I'm scared. What if one of these times I'm not able to protect them?"

"Thoughts like that will do nothing but paralyze you in a never-ending loop of what if's. I have to stop myself every day from asking those very questions because if I did I'd never stop." I gave Eren's hand a squeeze. "Imma let you in on a little secret." I leaned in a little and he did the same. "Look around this room at all the people here. What do you think they are feeling right now?"

He looked at Jean and Marco who were smiling and talking, "They look happy," he said pointing to them.

"Well, they are both terrified that one time one of them won't come home and on missions, they refuse to be separated because of that. Try someone else," I said trying to make a point.

He looked at Hanji who was treating the older man's injuries, "she seems really nice, she's very calm."

"She's really scared that one of these times her power isn't going to work when she needs it to and someone will die on her watch. What about him?" I asked, pointing to Erwin who was talking to the older woman.

"He seems brave."

"He's been captured three times and is afraid that the next time he will be shot on sight. Anyone else?"

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