The Last Night Before Everything Changes

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Sitting on that floor just staring at where the portal had just closed I could see the realization on everyone's face as it hit all of us. Everything is going to be different. As of now, we can't go back to normal. There is no turning back from this moment on. We have just started an all-out war. My ears were still ringing but I managed to hear Pixis say, "Hanji can you take a look at their ears."

I leaned my head over on Levi's shoulder. I was so exhausted I could barely hold my head up, but the thought of going to sleep right now didn't even cross my mind. How could I sleep knowing that so much is going to change? That a lot of people are probably going to die.

I felt as Hanji finally got to me. She put her hand on my forehead before moving on. I guess nothing was really wrong since I didn't feel her activate her powers. After she checked everyone she looked at Pixis. "They are fine, they might still have a ringing in their ears for a bit but it should go away within an hour at most."

Levi moved my head off his shoulder before standing up. I didn't even have time to give him a confused look as he pulled me to my feet. "We should all head to bed," he said looking around, "we have a busy few days ahead of us and we need to get all the rest we can. Even if we don't want to," he said looking specifically at me.

We all headed to our rooms. I heard Pixis and Shadis talk about something to themselves as we started leaving. Something about how we need to recon the area tomorrow. Nothing I have to worry about tonight.

We headed straight to our room and I collapsed on the bed not even bothering to take anything off. I don't think I could move another muscle if I tried.

I felt the bed dip down next to me. "You're not sleeping in that," he said with a laugh. "Come on, sit up so I can help you out of it."

He's offering to do it for me? Oh hell yeah I'm not passing this up. I sat up in bed and he rolled his eyes. "You're just a big baby sometimes," he teased, but immediately started to help me pull my sweater off. I lifted my arms to help him. He managed to get both my shirt and the sweater at the same time.

"Now lay back," he said before grabbing my pants. He pulled them down and went to grab me some sweats. "Are you going to make me dress you too?"

"As fun as that sounds no," I laughed before taking the pants out of his hands and sliding them on. He started to get changed and I thought we would just head straight to bed after that, but right as Levi started climbing into bed when there was a knock at the door. We told them to come in and Jean and Marco poked their heads in.

They didn't even need to ask at this point. I just patted the bed next to us. "Come on then," I said and I can't say that I didn't feel even more relieved. Everything might be changing after tonight, but this is still the same. I just hope that even after all of this is over we are able to do this again, but that is assuming we all live through it.

Nope. I'm not going to think about that not right now. Right now I just want to enjoy this moment. I'm not going to let my bad thoughts ruin this. Jean and Marco climbed into bed and got comfortable and we all closed our eyes. "Goodnight guys," I whispered and heard them all quietly whisper back.

When I woke up I headed to find Pixis to see what he meant about recon. When I walked into the common area I saw Alastair and Quinn, they were being sent back to their squads to help prepare. They would be in contact with us as will the other representatives. I gave them a goodbye wave and Quinn waved back before elbowing Alastair to get his attention. She nodded at me and he looked over before waving too.

"See ya later dude," he said with a smile.

"Take care of Quinn," I said back as a tease. Quinn rolled her eyes but Alastair nodded, "oh you don't even have to ask," he smiled before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Though we both know she can take care of herself."

"Can you send him back first?" she asked, turning to Erwin with an unamused face as she shrugged his arm off her shoulder. Erwin just laughed and nodded before opening the first portal.

I just laughed and continued to Pixis's office. He was writing something down when I walked in. He stopped and looked up, giving me a smile. "Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, did you sleep?"

"Actually yes," he smiled back before gesturing for me to take a seat. "What's on your mind?"

"When I heard you and Shadis talking as we were all hedging to bed last night. Something about a recon mission?"

"Not so much a mission, just gathering information, Molbit and Mom volunteered to go gather some articles and some intel about what is happening outside, what people are feeling after the broadcast, and we decided that it would be best to take them up on the offer. They are heading out a little later to gather some quick information."

"Isn't that a little dangerous right now?"

"Yes, but after hearing them out I think they are capable. They are just going to be doing the usual thing. Molbit will be talking with the people he always does, and mom will just be "grocery shopping" and looking at any news articles and magazine covers and seeing what she can overhear in the meantime."

Okay, that's a lot less dangerous than I thought. I thought they were going to push for information but if they are just doing what they always do then it should be okay. "Alright, I just wanted to check in and see how that was going to go," I said nodding before standing up. If they already have it handled then I really don't have to worry about it.

"Yup, Mom said she wanted to talk to you guys before going, so you'll be hearing from her a little later tonight."

"Okay, thanks for the heads up."

"Also, before you go," he said before I could start heading out. I sat back down and waited for him to say what he needed. "After we get the information the representatives will be back later tonight so we can all make a plan for going into this. I just thought I would give you a heads up in case you wanted to start brainstorming. Just know that this plan isn't only on your shoulders, I don't want to stress you out. I just know that you have your own way of thinking about things."

"Thank you for letting me know, and yeah I'll start thinking up ideas," I said and he handed me a notebook and pen.

"Write down any ideas you do have good or not. Anything will help," he said with a smile.

"Is that what you're doing?" I asked, looking at the paper he was writing on when I walked in.

"Yup, all ideas are better than none."

"Indeed they are," I nodded before taking the notebook from his hand. I stood back up and started heading back towards the room when I walked in. Jean was awake, but the other two seemed to still be out cold. "Where'd you run off to?" Jean asked, still half asleep.

"I was just checking in with Pixis about the plan for today, later tonight after we have more information, we are supposed to be setting up the plan for tomorrow with the rest of the representatives.

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