Practice Starts Now

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"For this first round of practice, I want to start with just a basic run-through of where the teams will be positioned, as you can see there are no roofs on the smaller scale building. That is because I just want to make sure we have a clear idea of our basic form without anyone having to use a lot of their powers, or any at all," Pixis said leading us over to the area Petra had just finished making.

I noticed that even the people who weren't on the mission were still sitting off to the side in their costumes. I guess they were going to help us train if necessary.

"Everyone get in your teams," he said before turning to me, "except you Eren, I have a specific job for you during the first few run-throughs."

"Okay, what will I be doing?"

"Would it be okay if you used your power a little?" He asked.

"Sure. What will I be using it for?"

"I want you to make yourself weightless and float over the training area and make sure everyone is following the plan. As for your team, they will still be taking your orders through Levi who will be relaying your thoughts to the rest of your team. Feel free to call out any mistakes you see, and if you see anything that needs to change make sure to tell us."

"Okay, I can definitely do that," I nodded before looking at Levi and making sure he heard everything.

I didn't even need to explain anything since he was already listening in. Sometimes having a nosey boyfriend is a good thing. I thought just to watch him roll his eyes at me and mouth the words Smartass.

I got into position and waited for Pixis's okay. We gave everyone a little time to talk to their teammates and get a good feel for each other. He waited for everyone to settle down before addressing them. "Alright everyone, we are about to start. For the first two rounds, I'm going to have Eren watching over us and making sure everything is going smoothly." He gave me a nod and I made myself weightless and positioned myself over the training area.

He pulled all the groups closer together before having Petra walk up to where the control room was located. She put a temporary hole in the wall as a door. So people wouldn't have to use their powers for these practice runs.

"Anything you would like to add?" Pixis asked, calling up to me.

"Actually could you guys announce what you are doing as a set by set so we know why certain things are happening," I asked. Team leaders might be giving different directions to their teams so it's best that I am aware of what's happening so I can easily follow along with anything that might seem a little different.

"Great idea," Pixis said before looking at the groups, "you heard him. Anything else?" He asked me.

"Nope, I think that's it."

Pixis nodded and gave a countdown before announcing to everyone that practice has started. Erwin shrugged and just announced "I am astral projecting to get a clear image of where I need to place the portal," Erwin said.

Mina looked at Pixis who gave her a nod. She walked forward and announced that she had "possessed the guard in the control room."

Erwin stepped forward now, "I have exited the astral, and am now placing a portal in the control room." He said before walking into the room that Mina was standing in. "If there is a second or third guard I will take them out from behind. Once I do that I will gesture for the rest of the teams to join." He said before sticking his arm through the hole in the wall and waving them in.

"Team B is entering," Pixis announced. "Also at this point, I will be caring Mina's body," he explained and Mina nodded. I guess they've already discussed this.

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